10 Beautiful Lessons We Can Learn About Life And Love From Romantic Comedies
Romantic comedies give us plenty dose of feels and reasons to believe in love and silver linings. From Love Actually to Notting Hill, we were told time and again that no problem is too big for unconditional love to face. But beyond important wisdom nuggets such as the problem-solving and life-changing capacity of chocolates, serendipity and makeovers, they remind us of the important stuff, too.
1. It’s a positive thing to be different from everyone else.
(10 Things I Hate About You)
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You did not wake up today to be someone’s ideal version of you. Society, friends or anyone else shouldn’t have the power to dictate the kind of person you should be. Let your colorful freak flag fly, play whatever music you like, but whatever your choices may be, do it for you and not for anyone else.
2. You deserve to be with someone who does not make you feel unsure about how he feels for you.
(He’s Just Not That Into You)
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Love is not an advance-level sudoku puzzle you’re meant to solve. You won’t get mixed signals from someone who’s genuinely sincere about his feelings for you.
3. Never settle for anything less than what you deserve.
(Pretty Woman)
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Because you deserve to be someone’s first choice, not just a second option when it’s convenient.
4. Real friends will always have your back.
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Real friendship is not about sending as many derpy snapchats to each other or being #squadgoals on Instagram. Through snot, tears and whiny rants, genuine friendships are about honest and empowering conversations, and being there for each other no matter how crappy the situation gets.
5. You need to find yourself first, before you find your soulmate.
(The Runaway Bride)
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Explore your dreams, discover your strengths, your weaknesses, fail until you’ve hit rock bottom, but whatever it is you do, fall in love with yourself before you fall in love with another person.
6. Unconditional love means caring about someone’s happiness regardless of personal gain.
(When In Rome)
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There’s a reason why we’ve heard the saying “Love is selfless” at least a hundred times. Hint: because it’s 100% true.
7. Sometimes, losing your way helps you find yourself.
(13 Going On 30)
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Life is a series of beautiful accidents and unexpected plot twists. We cry, we get hurt, we get scared, but it’s also because of these experiences why we realize we have strength and faith bigger than our fears.
8. It’s important to recognize when it’s the right time to walk away from people and toxic relationships.
(Legally Blonde)
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In case you forget: 1.) You are enough. 2.) You are too good just to be someone’s back-up plan.
9. Monogamy IS realistic.
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No matter how much crappy dates and failed relationships you’ve had in the past, there’s always someone who’ll stick out with you even in your imperfect moments. There will be someone who will see your worst side and still choose to stay, someone who will make you realize that you are worth more than an almost or a tentative maybe.
10. Each and every one of us is a beautiful, complicated mess.
(Silver Linings Playbook)
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Bad news: We’ll always have moments when we feel off and there’ll still be some days when we won’t feel good about what we see in the mirror. Good news: There will be better days and no matter how many twists and turns it takes, we’ll end up where we need to be, with who we’re meant to be with and doing exactly what we have always been meant to do.