10 Disgustingly Adorable Ways To Ask Your BFFs To Be Your Bridesmaids
1. Create a customized champagne label. You know those miniature bottles of pink champagne at the liquor store? Buy a pack for your friends and print out a customized label asking them to be your bridesmaid! It’s a cute way to pop the question — and you can celebrate with a drink right after they say yes!
2. Pop the question with a Ring Pop. Let’s be real. You’re going to be spending more money than you should on the wedding, so you probably don’t want to waste too much on pre-wedding activities. It’s the thought that counts anyway, which is why you should buy a pack of Ring Pops and place them in little cardboard boxes. Then you can propose to your bridesmaids the same way your fiancé proposed to you!
3. Use balloons. You can write WILL YOU BE MY BRIDESMAID on a slip of paper, stick it inside a balloon (along with some cute, heart-shaped confetti), and blow it up with helium. When your friend pops the balloon, the message will come tumbling out!
4. Use a Starbucks cup. Invite your bridal party to get together over some cold brews at Starbucks — but make sure you’re the one to grab their orders when their names are called. While they aren’t paying attention, slip a pen out of your purse and add ‘bridesmaid’ and ‘maid of honor’ beneath their names. It’s a cute way to surprise them without spending a cent!
5. Challenge them to solve a puzzle. There are a million cute things you can buy your bridesmaids on Etsy. One of them is a puzzle that says, “Will you be my bridesmaid?” If you give them this present, you can ask them to put the puzzle together in front of you and see how long it takes them to solve it!
6. Buy them something personalized. You can buy them a bridesmaid mug, robe, shot glass, picture frame, keychain — or even the movie Bridesmaids!
7. Slip them some hair ties. Another cute thing you can buy on Etsy or Amazon is a hair tie that says, “I couldn’t tie the knot without you!” Not only is it cute, but it’s functional. It’s something your bridesmaids will use again and again.
8. Print out a cute card. Your friends will appreciate a heartfelt note more than a hundred dollar bottle of wine, so you might want to keep things simple and create a card for them on a free site like Canva. Make sure to scribble down why they mean so much to you and why you wouldn’t be able to walk down the aisle without them at your side. The sappier, the better!
9. Put together proposal boxes. If you’re a DIY queen, then you can decorate a shoebox and stuff little presents inside for your bridesmaids. You can even include a color swatch showing them what kind of dress they’re going to be wearing and a little list of duties they’re meant to fulfill as your bridesmaids. Or you could keep it simple and pack the box with chocolates and bath bombs!
10. Just ask them. Snapchat them. Text them. Call them on the phone. It doesn’t really matter how you ask them to be in your wedding, because they should be honored either way.