10 Reasons Why Spring Is Just The Best
1. Going to the toilet in a bar/restaurant/most public places becomes less of an issue.
There’s no need to worry about tucking your layers in, in the same order you un-tucked them to pee. No scarf-dangling issues and no numb hands trying to grab loo roll. Bliss.
2. Suede clothes.
Now it’s an option to wear those cool suede boots because they won’t get rain-ruined, or come up with irremovable salt/grit marks. God bless temperatures above freezing.
3. No more smartphone frostbite.
Unless you’re one of the sensible people who bought those gloves with the finger pads on, chances are you’ve been exposing one hand to the extreme weather all winter due to smartphone emergencies like a text from your BFF, a facebook notification or Snapchat. Prepare to regain that feeling in those digits!
As the fog, clouds and snow break away, the sun can manage to push its way out again, giving our skin the much-needed vitamin D it has been lacking over the last few months. Bright skin, happy thoughts – what’s not to love?
5. Pretty pastel colours everywhere.
Crocuses, pansies, mackintoshes, denims. So pretty!
6. Easter.
Because chocolate. Yum. Also associated festivities like Shrove Tuesday. Any food related festival within the three month period is a bonus, really.
7. Bank holidays galore.
If you’re lucky enough to live in the UK, spring means a long weekend for Easter and two bank holidays in May. Or, if you’re a student, there’s a longer Easter break, plus exam leave.
8. Simple outfits.
No more worrying about how many layers to wear underneath your coat, what layers will match, if you have enough clean tights etc. Just an easy top-bottoms-coat look with an optional cardi will do please.
9. Light nights.
No longer will we feel the need to come home from work/school at 6pm and slob into our pj’s in front of the tv, with no motivation or energy. We can make post-6pm plans, or go somewhere straight from work. Do stuff. It doesn’t matter because it’s light which means it’s still early, right?
10. The prospect of summer.
That’s right – if it’s already spring it means summer is just around the corner. It’s all ahead of us, with everything to look forward to.