10 Super Frustrating Things Every Unmarried Christian Has Heard At Least Once


1. Maybe God doesn’t think you’re ready yet.

Well… when is someone truly ready? Maybe I need to get involved in two more ministries and perhaps start a home group. When will I have a perfect character enough?

2. You’re not the problem; God is working on your future spouse.

He/she must be a lot of work! Am I waiting for God to turn a non-believing addict into a clean cut Christian? This person might turn out to be high-maintenance… Do I really want to get married at all?

3. Don’t settle for less than God’s best.

Amen to that. But let God be the judge of what’s best for me for He knows me better than anyone else does. I know what I’ve asked Him for and I will wait for it.

4. You’re being so picky that you might have overlooked someone God has placed in front of you.

Yes, I probably should date my best friend whom I am not attracted to at all. We don’t share the same passions, but I mean he/she’s nice and loves Jesus!

5. There are still things in you that God needs to work on before He can bring you the right person.

I know I am not perfect yet (thanks for pointing that out) yet…how close to perfection do I need to be?
I know I can be impatient…but was my cousin who found and married love at 18 any more patient? I guess perfection comes easier for others!

6. Why are you still single? I mean… you’re such a catch!

It doesn’t mean I have found “my kind of catch” and besides… I may actually be busy traveling and enjoying my life “free” from commitment while I can.

7. You’re so young! You have plenty of time. You don’t want to rush into anything anyways. Divorce is not an option!

I’m 26, done with school, and still living at my parent’s place… Wait, weren’t you 18 when you got married?

8. To singles over the age of 25: you should be family oriented; not career oriented.

How do you suppose I should provide for my family one day? I could stay home and cook and or plow the field while I wait for Mr./Mrs. Right to show up at my front door.

9. No ding, ding without a wedding ring!

Mom/dad! We’ve already booked two separate hotel rooms for our trip to Europe.

10. When you’re doing what you’re supposed to do, the right one will come.

Dang it… so going to church, reading the Bible, praying and being involved in the kid’s ministry is something I shouldn’t be doing after all?