10 Things I Learned From Crashing On A Couch All Summer Long


1. Never underestimate the significance of a home cooked meal

2. People are much kinder than you’d think. More people reached out to me this summer than I had ever imagined or thought possible

3. It is possible to have a successful one-night stand while crashing on a couch…

4. Alcohol is great

5. So are sunrises and sunsets and skies and rainbows

6. Whenever someone offers you a bed, take it. Whenever

7. It’s okay to lean on other people for strength and support

8. It’s okay to cry on the phone in public places (including, but not limited to, park benches, train stations and stoops)

9. Feelings are what make us human. Nobody needs to justify them to make them real

10. Fake it till you make it.

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image – Sam Howzit