10 Writing Resources That Will Take Your Creativity To The Next Level
By Amy Cowen
When writing a creative content, writers need to have inspiration. What makes creative writing different from other forms of writing is that it requires a certain level of creativity and dexterity. From newbie to highly proficient writers, many would use various creative writing tools to come up with a quality work. The Internet is home to a wide array of tools for this purpose. By effectively using these tools, it makes creative writing much easier and much more fun. So, what are some of the best tools that are specifically designed to unleash your writing creativity?
1. Storywars
They say two is better than one. For writers who want to make their stories more interesting, there are sites like storywars.net where people get to make stories together. With this site, you get to read different stories created by writers. What makes this unique is that you can write the next chapter of the story. Users can then vote which will determine the story’s path.
2. Penflip
Penflip.com is a great tool for those who want to further enhance their writing skills. With this site, you can focus on your writing since they offer a simple and minimalist interface making it easy for you to use the text editor. The platform also allows you to collaborate with others. You can send a link so you can get feedback without the need to download. Finally, you can just publish your work and download it in ebook format in just one click.
3. Quo Moment Poetry
Do you enjoy reading poems or do you want to know more about anything related to poetry? There are various apps that you can find really useful. Among these is the Quo Moment Poetry. This app allows you to share your poems to other users. Basically, it works as a social networking app for poets and those who want to create poems and share it to others. It is very easy to use and everyone can use the app.
4. Draftback
Draftback is an extension that you can use through Google Chrome. This allows you to play back any of the previous revisions that you made. What makes this tool very useful is that allows you to make the necessary changes so you can easily edit any of your work. By downloading the Chrome extension, you get to see how many times your file is revised along with the different comments made in the file. Since it is an extension app, once you are done with the revisions, you can share it to other online users.
5. Aussiewriter
Known for their topnotch professional essay writing services, Aussiewriter is a website where you get to ask for professional help when it comes to any type of content. If you are in need of a creative writing content, you can just give the requirements and their writer will take on the job. But apart from the services that they offer, the site is also home to great resources that you can use for creative writing. Get to learn many tips and techniques that you can apply when writing any content.
6. Poetica
Poetica is a very useful plugin since it allows collaboration the same way how Google Docs work. The only difference is that it is a plugin for WordPress. Nowadays, many want to put their creative writing and publish it online. With this plugin, authorized users can work on the content.
7. Storybird
Storybird.com is a tool that enables you to make your work more artistic and creative. What this tool does is that it allows you to create art and story at the same time. It offers simply tools that you can use. In fact, you can even build books in just a matter of minutes. You can also read other people’s work and even send in comments. Once you are done with your work, you can easily share it through various social networking sites.
8. RrymersBlockRapPoetryWriter
Writing poetry requires your creative juices. But thanks to app like this, you get to make your own poetry. This app is very easy and simple to use. It allows you to choose among the different words and helps you develop your own poetry. This is perfect for those who want to create songs and raps.
9. Typewrite
To become an effective writer, you need to have a good pen. One of the best modern tools that you can find today for writers is Typewrite.io. This site offers a simplified interface with markdown formatting. You can easily style text and gives you real-time editing. If you are looking for a good writing tool, this is one tool you should try. You can also save versions of your work and sync it with Dropbox.com
10. Newnovelist
Newnovelist.com is a great tool for aspiring novelists. New Novelist offers features to those who want to publish their novels. For years, they have been helping writers in simplifying their work. Everything that you need to come up with a successful novel is found at this website.