13.1 Reasons Why You Should Run A Half Marathon
By Bijal Patel
1. You can run for a cause
You can combine your goal of completing a half marathon along with helping others by raising money for charity. Signing up for half marathons can be pricey, but if you are able to spend money on expensive materialistic items, you can donate some of your money to people who are suffering day to day from different diseases.
2. It’s a fun way to stay healthy
I always preach to all my family and friends that staying fit is an important part of life. The eating and drinking habits that you endure right now will affect your body in the long run. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t drink — drinking is fun, especially in social settings — but you should try to take care of your body when you can. Running has great benefits to your body as well! It helps you get toned up, lose or maintain your weight, strengthens your heart, and improves your immune system.
3. You’ll meet amazing people along the way
All the people that participate in these races will inspire you. You will see that 65 year old retired veteran running for our country holding the American flag all the way through, the 25 year old man running with a prosthetic because his leg got amputated from a car accident, or the 38 year old woman running for her husband who was killed in Iraq. The people you encounter during this time will leave you speechless and you will become deeply touched.
4. You’ll gain tons of self-confidence
Who says you can’t run a half? You got this. Do you. Whether you run this race alone or with a group of people, this is your day where you will feel most powerful.
5. It’s proof that mind can triumph over matter
You’ve heard this statement plenty of times. It’s 100% true. Eliminate the word “can’t” from the dictionary. If you put your time and effort into something you want to achieve, anything is possible.
6. There’s fun signs to read on the way
Come race day, there will be thousands of people cheering you on with all sorts of signs of encouragement. It’s amazing how creative many people get with making signs. The moment you feel like you need to stop, you won’t because these strangers you do not even know will lift your spirits up and propel you to keep running for the finish line.
7. It’s a great way to travel
There are marathons and half marathons in any state or country you could ever wish to visit. Here’s your chance to explore a new city by running through its wonderful streets. You won’t be stuck in traffic when exploring nature because the city you are running in is reserved for your feet!
8. You’ll receive a medal
And everyone likes something shiny and sparkly, much less as the prize gleaned from months of hard work. It’s something you will want to keep around your neck, take pictures of, post it on social media — you can brag a little and show off all the hard work and dedication you put into in order to achieve it. It doesn’t matter whether you finished top or last, you finished the race!
9. Sarah Palin did it!
If she can do it, I’m sure you can, too.
10. You can cross this off your bucket list
A lot of people often say, “I could never run a half marathon!” Prove everyone wrong and cross it off your bucket list, knowing you accomplished what many other people wouldn’t even attempt to do.
11. You will have a story to share
Talking about your race and sharing your experience in a social setting is a great topic of conversation. It’s also a wonderful icebreaker. You can also look back at this experience years down the road. Those are your memories. That is what you accomplished.
12. You will learn to prioritize your time
Many people do not sign up for long distance races because it becomes time consuming to train. In today’s society, we tend to work longer hours and after we leave work, we still have to finish up some work at home. However, make it a point to dedicate a few hours in a week to do cardio. Remember, your body is your temple. You want to be fully trained and prepared the day of the race.
13. You can discover yourself
13.1 miles is a long enough distance to allow you to discover what you are made of, and what your abilities are. Work your magic.