15 Acts Of Self-Care That Will Instantly Boost Your Confidence
1. Do one thing that scares you – anything.
One of the best things you can do in order to enhance positive development and gain confidence is to conquer a fear. Eleanor Roosevelt once said “do one thing everyday that scares you,” and since then, many have followed her wise words to achieve amazing things. So do at least one things that scares you; maybe you’ll try your first roller coaster ride or audition for the choir. And in completing the task, you’ll feel like nothing can hold you back from making the year an amazing one.
2. Act like a kid.
Draw, color or finger paint like you used to when you were a kid. Eat ice cream with sprinkles. Play in the park on see-saws. You’ll feel younger and forget about your daily burdens for awhile, and hence feel more ready to take on all the challenges the year may bring.
3. Splurge on sexy new underwear or lingerie.
It doesn’t matter whether anyone will see them or not, or if you look nothing like a Victoria’s Secret model. Studies have shown that what you wear affects your confidence. Think about how you get into that suit for an important interview, or into that short skirt before going to your crush’s party where a million other girls will be there. Swap your old undies for something new, lacy or shiny and think of it as preparing yourself for the year to come from the base up. You’ll feel more powerful and confident.
4. Clean out your email inbox.
Let’s face it, your email inbox is something you have no choice but to stick with all year. Just the sight of an overwhelmingly full inbox can be enough make you feel like having a bad day. Take a few minutes to delete those meeting reminders from last year, those promotional emails from services you didn’t sign up for, and maybe you’ll take this opportunity to archive those letters from your ex whom you’re still trying to get over. You’ll feel more relieved and less stressed.
5. Go on a date.
Whether you’re single or married, a nice date night will surely help you feel like you mean something to someone. Take your significant other out to their favorite restaurant or meet someone new over drinks. Enjoy the laughter and being in the moment; toast each other on a fabulous year to come.
6. Get in back in touch with someone.
There’s surely a friend or relative whom you used to call when something funny happened at work, when you found out Starbucks came out with a new mocha flavor, or simply to say hello. But that changed, maybe because you moved, or because they got engaged. Whatever the reason, the beginning of the year is a great time to surprise them with a phone call or visit. There’s nothing like reminiscing about past fun times and maybe planning out future ones with someone you used to be close to.
7. Have a confidence-boosting photo shoot.
Find some outfits that make you feel powerful and sexy and have a photo shoot at home, or even at a professional photo studio. Maybe you feel like you can take on the world in your leather jacket, or like nothing can stop you when you’re wearing your favorite dress. If you’re feeling brave, you might even want try a lingerie or nude photo shoot. Seeing your body in an artistic way is a very positive experience, which will make you feel beautiful, confident and leave you with positive impression of your own self-image.
8. Do something to your hair.
When you look better, you feel better. A fresh trim or haircut always guarantees an uplifting feeling (as long a the hairdresser doesn’t mess up.) If you’re feeling bold, you might want to try dying it a different color or trying a totally different hairstyle. There’s also something ritualistically purifying about chopping it all off, or even shaving it all off.
9. Give or donate something
There’s no better feeling than making others happy. When we give, we’re helping others while boosting our physical and mental health. It’s no surprise that scientific studies have found that those who give are less depressed and stressed. This results in lower blood pressure and a longer life. So donate to a charity you support, volunteer somewhere, or simply do something to make someone happy and expect nothing in return – it will definitely boost your self esteem.
10. Read a motivational or inspiring book.
When was the last time you read a real book? In this tech age, chances are that your life is ruled by your cell phone, so picking up a good printed book will make you feel like you are achieving something. Read about those who preach something positive or tell their story about going through a hard time. Find your inner childhood bookworm and go back to the time when you read a happy or funny novel just because. You’ll walk in the characters’ shoes and feel their joys, hardships, laughter and love.
11. Let someone know you appreciate them.
Think about someone who means a lot to you and let them know. Remember those who have done little things for you over the past year. Maybe you have a friend who came over to make you soup when you were sick. Or maybe there was that cashier at your local grocery store who paid for part of your groceries because you didn’t have enough change. Let them know you appreciate what they did and do something unexpected for them too.
12. Learn to cook a new healthy meal.
Take a cooking class or take notes on YouTube with a couple of friends and have a healthy eating feast complete with delicious salads, soups, seafood or pasta. You’ll feel proud, and who knows, you may find healthy eating one of the most fun things you’ve ever done!
13. Get creative.
Doing something creative helps you relax and at the same time, builds new brain cells. Create a handmade card for a friend, write that story you’ve always wanted to share with the world, compose a song, turn that negativity into poetry or anything that gets your creativity flowing. A little artistic flair alway makes the world a more playful and happier place.
14. Meditate.
Relax and breathe, but not by sitting in front of the TV or computer. Proper relaxation can be achieved through meditation. You don’t need to be religious to meditate, and it can be learned by simply watching the many You Tube videos on beginner meditation techniques.
15. Plan a trip.
Make a pact to treat yourself to a well-deserved vacation. Whether you envision this as a short road trip to visit family you haven’t seen in years, a getaway to the beach or a South American adventure, taking the steps to make it a reality will give you something to look forward to in the upcoming months. Happy adventuring!