15 Things Everyone With An Anxiety Disorder Wants Everyone Else To Understand


1. YES, anxiety is an actual illness. You can Google it if you don’t believe us.

2. No, it’s not just us being dramatic. Like what?

3. No, panic attacks aren’t just an excuse for us to get off from work.

4. Don’t ever tell us to ‘calm down’ when we are having a panic attack.

5. No, stress is not the same thing as having a chemical imbalance in your brain.

6. Sometimes, we need time alone. Please don’t take offense to that.

7. We tend to overthink EVERYTHING, so don’t be alarmed.

8. We don’t really sleep. Ever.

9. We have plenty of reasons as to why we worry. Those reasons don’t have to make sense to you.

10. Please don’t tell us that ‘we will be ok’ because in our heads, we are fucked.

11. Lavender candles and stress relieving bath salts are always a good gift idea if you can’t think of anything to get us for Christmas.

12. When we say we’re ‘fine’, we probably aren’t.

13. We adore our friends who stick by us no matter what we put them through.

14. Please know that we aren’t unstable just because we take medicine or go to counseling.

15. We know it isn’t always easy being around us, and we appreciate you.

Thank you.