15 Things Learned From A Senior Sorority Girl


I find it hard to summarize almost four years of lessons, love, and growth. College life has made such an impact on myself and has truly built me into the woman I am today. Contrary to popular belief, my sorority has made the greatest impact and in such a positive way. I thank each and every one of my sisters for believing in me, especially when I didn’t believe in myself. As senior year quickly comes to a close, I decided to jot down a list of 15 things I learned throughout my journey – both in school and my time as an active sorority member.

1. Study for the test, but in the end one test doesn’t matter. If you fail, it’s not the end of the world.

2. Don’t stay up until 5am studying. Prepare before or just go to sleep.

3. You don’t have to know your big or little to fall 100% in love with them.

4. Do something crazy and unlike you every once and a while.

5. But don’t ever feel lame if you need a movie night in – “you time” is never a bad thing.

6. If you’re lucky enough to schedule your classes only 2-3 times a week, you will never get anything done. Netflix will become your new best friend.

7. Learn things from your sisters and friends. They all have stories.

8. Margarita Mondays are never a let down.

9. If your sisters see it in you and believe in you, there’s no way you can’t do it.

10. Don’t forget to smile. There’s always at least one thing to be happy about.

11. Take all advantage of your freshman meal plan. You’ll miss it when it’s gone.

12. True uncontrollable laughter can heal any pain.

13. Take to heart advise from an older sister or friend. They usually know a lot more and are much more wise.

14. Don’t forget to take time for yourself. College is busy and it’s really easy to forget about you! I love my time in the morning, with a cup of coffee and the news.

15. Meet new people, hang out with those sisters you usually don’t, and experience every second. It’ll all be over in a blink of an eye.