15 Things Only People Who Love Breakfast Foods Understand


1. It’s pretty much guaranteed and not at all a coincidence that your favorite restaurant serves breakfast all day.

2. You don’t really consider yourself a morning person, just a breakfast person.

3. You always have at least one box of cereal in your apartment at all times, because cereal is an appropriate meal all day, every day.

4. Honestly, you can’t stress the importance of a good cereal enough. Your bowl to plate ratio is like 3:1 solely because of cereal.

5. “Want to go grab brunch?” translates to, “Want to sleep in and then eat pancakes for lunch during a time that everyone considers to be socially acceptable?”

6. You tried to convince your friends that “breakfast for dinner” (or, brinner, as you fondly call it) was a cool, fun way to spice up your life, but they quickly saw through your lie when you decided to “spice up your life” for the fourth day in a row.

7. No one can flip a pancake like you can. It’s an art that you’ve perfected after years and years of dedication, and maybe one day they’ll get on your level. But today’s not that day.

8. People that skip breakfast on the regular are mysterious monsters that you don’t trust by default. IT’S THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY, YOU HEATHENS.

9. On days when you’re running late, the closest you get to skipping the most wonderful meal of the day is grabbing a fruit to go.

10. If by some unforeseeable disaster you have to skip breakfast entirely, your entire day’s ruined, and everyone better get out of your way.

11. You would opt for any variation on a cinnamon roll over every other type of dessert, hands down.

12. When you first watched The Breakfast Club, you were a little disappointed because there was never any actual breakfast being had.

13. Then you were struck with a brief moment of inspiration to start a literal Breakfast Club, but your friends convinced you to put that idea on the backburner. You sulked, ate a bowl of cereal, and felt a little better.

14. You can dress up plain yogurt like nobody’s business. You first learned how to do this as a matter of survival, because you realized that you couldn’t lead a very healthy life if you started every day off with french toast or bacon, but now it’s a fun game you like to play while perusing the produce section.

15. Staying at a hotel is considerably less exciting if they don’t offer some sort of free breakfast.