17 E-Cards That Hilariously Summarize Every Ridiculous Thing That Has Already Happened In 2017 By Kim Quindlen 1. This. SAD! 2. Here’s to all those imaginary voters. SAD! 3. This truth bomb on health care. SAD! 4. Alternative resume facts. SAD! 5. This way that we’re all feeling right now. SAD! 6. This ‘good luck’ greeting. SAD! 7. This piece of advice. SAD! 8. This confession. SAD! 9. This possible cure for winter sadness. SAD! 10. This compliment. SAD! 11. This reminder that the end is near. SAD! 12. This piece of truth. SAD! 13. This joke which is now outdated but still funny. SAD! 14. Inauguration Day. SAD! 15. This accurate statement. SAD! 16. Cats in the Cabinet. SAD! 17. Hating on Meryl. SAD! FOR MORE FUNNY posts like this ONE, CLICK HERE TO ‘LIKE’ HUMOR CATALOG ON FACEBOOK.