17 People Confess Non-Sexual Things The Opposite Sex Does That Kind Of Turns Them On
By Lily Hunter
1. Girls letting their hair down / putting it up. I have no idea why.
2. I love watching a man shave.
3. Fixing things or trying to figure something out. I also like when guys look really concentrated and focused.
4. When a girl runs her hand through her hair and kind of messes it up.
Hard to describe it, but that just gets me every time
5. I love watching her go to sleep. I don’t know if it’s weird or creepy, but she just seems so serene.
6. I love watching a girl paint or draw.
Actually, I think a woman who is wholly and completely absorbed in an artistic passtime that she enjoys is probably at her most beautiful.
7. Girls playing the piano.
8. I love when boys clench their jaw when they’re chewing gum or are angry.
– zapsquad
9. I love it when guys blush and when they yawn/stretch and put their arms behind their head.
10. Girls reaching for things that are too high for them. I have no explanation as to why, I just like. If the shirt rides up and shows the a little midriff…well that’s just the dream right there.
11. Watching guys playing with little kids. I just find it really cute and it makes me happy
12. Competently driving a manual car.
13. Preparing food. When my SO is cooking I instantly want to jump him.
– JesAnd
14. I’m a male and a carpenter by trade. Watching a girl build something is awesome. Added bonus…. If she’s actually wearing a tool belt!!
15. When girls pull the sleeves over their hands when it’s cold, I kinda find it cute.
16. I love seeing a group of girls having a good time when there aren’t really any guys around for them to be conscious of. They seem so much more relaxed and unaffected.
17. Male here, I love watching girls write. They are always so damn good at writing. They are like human typewriters.