18 Quotes For Broken Hearts
There are times that I believe I have fallen upon something great, but the reality is, something great can be taken away without any notice and without any explanation. Relationships are not my forte, apparently. I fall a little too quickly and a little too deeply, then my heart breaks a little too easily.
I guess I am not much different than most people in the sense that I am just looking for genuine love, someone to partner with through everything life throws at us, someone to depend on, someone to laugh with, someone that makes life a bit more enjoyable.
Recently, I thought maybe I had found just that, but then again reality doesn’t mind punching you in the gut and reminding you that life is full of twists, turns, and disappointment, does it? There are moments that life really seems to be one obstacle after another and when this becomes the norm, it is difficult to find the energy to keep pressing forward.
Here are 18 quotes for those that are finding it difficult to push through another day and for the hearts that know defeat.
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.
—Alice Walker
Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems.
—Sadness, Inside Out
You’re mourning the loss of what you thought your life was going to be. Let it go. Things don’t always work out how you plan. That’s not necessarily bad. Things have a way of working out anyway.
—Frasier Crane
If you’re feeling discouraged and defeated – don’t quit. Play on, hope on, and move forward. The music you play – even in the midst of incredible darkness – can and will turn the tide of your own battles.
—Seth Adam Smith
Sometimes carrying on, just carrying on, is the superhuman achievement.
—Albert Camus
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.
—Maya Angelou
The thing about life is that you must survive. Life is going to be difficult, and dreadful things will happen. What you do is move along, get on with it, and be tough. Not in the sense of being mean to others, but being tough with yourself and making a deadly effort not to be defeated.
—Katherine Hepburn
Though it may not seem like it at times, I am really doing the best I can.
—Mick Goodman
Don’t let someone who did you wrong make you think there’s something wrong with you. Don’t devalue yourself because they didn’t value you. Know your worth even if they don’t.
—Trent Shelton
I’m so good at the beginnings, but in the end I always seem to destroy everything, including myself.
—Kiera Van Gelder
Deep inside she knew who she was, and that person was smart and kind and often even funny, but somehow her personality always got lost somewhere between her heart and her mouth, and she found herself saying the wrong thing or, more often, nothing at all.
—Julia Quinn
When people feel under-appreciated and unnoticed, they in turn feel depleted, put down, and like they would be worth more to someone else.
—Rivkin Slatkin
She was brave and strong and broken all at once.
—Anne Funder
I didn’t know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of my throat and I’d cry for a week. I could feel the tears brimming and sloshing in me like water in a glass that is unsteady and too full.
—Sylvia Plath
You can leave. I’ll remember you. I remember everyone that leaves.
—Lilo, Lilo and Stitch
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
—Psalm 34:18
Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.
—C. S. Lewis
Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
—J. K. Rowling