19 People Reveal The One Thing People Do That Gives Them An Instant First Impression They’re An A**hole
By Lily Hunter
1. Push an agenda within the first few minutes of meeting someone.
2. Being rude to people in a service or hospitality industry – waiters, bar staff, kitchen workers, cleaners etc. Just be nice and respectful, it’s always appreciated and you get looked after better than the assholes.
3. A guy wearing a pink striped shirt with the collar popped.
– Dnargel
4. When they instantly try and one-up you or someone else. I get the feeling people do that in an attempt to make themselves look better but it does the exact opposite.
– amstrath
5. Get “their” and “they’re” mixed up.
6. If they don’t use their turn signal.
7. Wear Tapout or Monster branded clothing.
– kevik72
8. Continue to talk on their phone while in line or at the counter in a store.
9. If they try to correct the Prof. during a university lecture. This pretty much guarantees that I will hate them.
10. Failure to return their shopping cart to the store or corral. Assholishness increases based on windy conditions and proximity to corrals.
11. Posting a billion selfies.
12. Jumping to hysterically bad conclusions/accusations based on less than a sentence of information.
13. Littering, especially when a garbage can is less than 10 feet away.
14. Pretentiousness. Pseudointellectualism (or contrived displays of real intellectualism) isn’t impressive; it gives me second-hand embarrassment.
15. Tell me without any real reason that “I’m not into drama”…
Why bring it up, then??
– ZenRage
16. When people make sexual innuendos right after meeting me. I don’t care about the content, but we definitely aren’t on “that level.”
17. When your buddy runs into a friend and the friend completely ignores your presence. Like, fuck you man.
18. Wearing sunglasses indoors if they’re not blind.
19. Grip my hand way too hard when shaking it. What are you trying to prove, bro?