19 Sitcom Characters Who Were Actually Just Mean


1. Phoebe Buffay, Friends

Remember when that Friends without the laugh track video was going around? Most of Phoebe’s intuitive zingers were actually pretty mean. I don’t think you’d be friends with someone who talked to you that way IRL.

2. Lorelai Gilmore, Gilmore Girls

I love Lorelai Gilmore but her wit and resourcefulness sort of make fans forget that some of her humor would be mean if you heard it in person. Does she always have to say everything she thinks, especially to her mother? She and Rory are also a pretty exclusive club and they often mock people who don’t agree with them.

3. Rory Gilmore, Gilmore Girls

Remember when Rory was really antisocial at Chilton? Really Rory, there are no kids there worth befriending? That’s kind of crappy and judgmental.

4. Frasier Crane, Frasier

Those snooty snubs were actually just plain mean.

5. Dr. Cox, Scrubs

If this weren’t a sitcom and you met Dr. Cox on the street, you would find the man downright psychotic.

6. The Entire Cast of Seinfeld

Maybe the finale sentencing was an accurate depiction of where the characters belonged?

7. Red Forman, That ‘70s Show

On TV sitcoms, there can be a thin line between tough parent and abuse.

8. Hyde, That ‘70s Show

The cool guy who doesn’t care about anything act can also just be selfish and antisocial.

9. Marie Barone, Everybody Loves Raymond

Everybody Loves Raymond is definitely one of those shows where if the laugh track were gone it would just be one insult after the other. Marie is so mean to Debra, and Ray never stands up to his family!

10. Liz Lemon, 30 Rock

Liz is the kind of mean we all have the capability of being. Like Liz, sometimes we all pass judgment too quickly or take a joke too far with a friend.

11. Jeff Winger, Community

Once again, is he acting like he doesn’t care? Or does he actually not care?

12. Michelle Tanner, Full House

Remember that episode where she was a member of the polite police? Most of her cute quips were just rude.

13. Jim Halpert, The Office

OK, the Dwight pranks were straight up harassment. And, like Lorelai and Rory, Pam and Jim sort of have an elitist attitude toward everyone around them. Which kind of makes them worse than everyone around them.

14. Ricky Ricardo, I Love Lucy

Does he really love Lucy? DOES HE?! He is so mean to her and never invites her to his shows — where he is surrounded by beautiful women. I’m on to you Ricardo.

15. Michael Bluth, Arrested Development

Self-sacrificing? More like playing the martyr.

16. Sheldon Cooper, Big Bang Theory

OK, is anyone else concerned for Sheldon Cooper? There is nutty professor and then there’s undiagnosed social disorder. And, if Sheldon is exhibiting such upsetting symptoms, it seems sort of cruel that the gang is so mean to him. Also, why do they even hang out with him if they are so annoyed?

17. Dr. House, House

Ugh, this tortured genius trope is so tired. He’s actually just a mean loner and mansplainer.

18. The Cast of Girls

When the privilege and lack of self-awareness doesn’t make these women children (the feminine plural of man child) appear blissfully ignorant and awful, their juvenile actions are what’s unappealing. Remember the public diary reading, or Hannah’s saying she wants HIV, or Adam’s general awfulness (he’s not cute, ladies!) … Oh, do you need more?

19. Barney Stinson, HIMYM

One word: Womanizer.