20 Underrated Benefits Of Moving Back Home


In the ‘90s, people acted like moving back home was for people addicted to heroin and momma’s boys. That meant you were either going home to steal from your parents or rub their feet. Now moving back home is as popular as butterfly clips in the ‘90s! It’s as common as traffic lights, and it’s for anybody’s reason. It’s not bad at all! There are actually many benefits. Just because you might be poor in independent housing doesn’t mean you’re not rich in the things that matter in life, which can sometimes come to sweet fruition during a stay back home.

1. You keep your parents cool.

By moving home, you’ll help to keep your parents as cool as the parents in the movie Richie Rich. When you’re around, your parents are watching movies outside of their comfort zone and trying new foods. Buy cool clothes for them and make them wear them!

2. You keep your parents as young as puppy dogs.

Parents feel young when they’re around their kids. If they don’t see you for a while, they start feeling older. As long as you are around, they will feel amazing and be in great spirits. You can’t stop the slobber now!

3. Your parents will go less insane.

Imagine the empty nest feeling when you’re not there. No more little clothes to fold! Maybe they’ll fold their own clothes to look smaller. There’s nothing to nurture now except feeding the birds! Maybe the birds have seen their child recently. Sometimes it’s healthier for your parents’ sanity to just have you at home.

4. You’ll be around your childhood pets.

High on some people’s lists is hanging out with their childhood animals. Your puppy dog that you got for Christmas might still be alive! Now it is still Christmas every day at your childhood home with him or her home to greet you. Slobber all around now!

5. You save money.

Save you and your parents a whole lot of money by living at home. Soon, you’ll feel so good while saving money that you’ll be buying clothes at Walmart and transferring to a state school!

6. Your parents will make you feel like a kid inside.

In addition to keeping your parents young, you too can bask in the glow of eternal youth under your parents’ roof. In your heart, you know you’ll always be their baby, just like the Mariah Carey song.

7. Your parents will make you feel like a rebel.

Most people like feeling like a rebel sometimes, but usually it can only be afforded for about a decade when you’re younger. No longer! Now I’m wearing liquid eyeliner again!

8. Home can be more comfortable now that you’re not in the college application process.

In high school, did you wake up at the crack of dawn to cram for an exam that was seven hours away? Did you not have time to even come home between a lacrosse game and a fundraising dinner? You might associate a lot of stress with your childhood home that doesn’t have to be there anymore. Nine-to-five jobs rarely have work to take home, and once you have a job, the goal is to never feel as stressed or as overwhelmed as you would in high school, when you were overextending yourself. It might be nice to get back to your childhood home, where you were previously tutored in trigonometry at this hour, and just kick back and relax.

9. You get to give back to your parents.

It’s always a joy, and maybe even a fun thrill, to give back to your parents. They really have done so much for you! That was like 98 diapers a day! It’s fun to bring in the mail and take out the recycling for them. Some tasks can be more fulfilling to do for other people than just for yourself. Make holidays special. Surprise them by playing Santa Claus!

10. Now you get to be the teacher.

Your parents taught you everything, but you learned more along the way, and now you can teach them! Make a call to the cell phone company for your parents in front of them occasionally or proofread one of their emails.

11. You’ll get fewer emails and calls from your parents.

Sometimes if you’re not living at home, you’re immersed in a world outside of your parents, and an email or call from them is startling. You might as well just live at home! There are still emails and calls when you live at home, though. But fewer!

12. You have more space.

In your childhood bedroom, you could probably put in an easy chair with a table just to read magazines and put your coffee down. Maybe you’ll add a second easy chair for a friend. Now you have a living room in your bedroom!

13. If you live alone, there’s no one to help you when you lock your keys in the car.

Sure, roommates could help you out, but there’s nothing like seeing your parents help you out when you mess up because they are still so happy to see you in that moment. They love you so much and have known you for so long. Plus, it’s also almost your parents’ fault that you locked your keys in the car, because they didn’t raise you to be conscientious enough!

14. You get to show off your mad skills.

These mad skills aren’t going to show themselves off! What have you learned that your parents don’t know about? Show them how to design a business card online, how to grill something they’ve never tried grilling, or introduce them to a killer mixed drink.

15. It’s way easier if you get laid off, which could make you a more calm worker.

If you’re already living at home and you lose your job, you won’t have to move back home. You’re already there! That’s a lot of pressure off!

16. You’ll never get sick of your parents’ cooking.

Nobody knows how they do it. It just tastes so comforting! You might just wish that they would make more of it.

17. You can cook for your parents.

Young people really know how to cook with bacon! I recommend a bacon chocolate chip cookie recipe.

18. You get to soup up your childhood room.

Paint it gold! Put up holiday lights or glow in the dark stars. Put a tent in there. Put your own pet bed in your room so your family dog or cat can lounge there. Organize your bookshelf by size or color. Night lights need not be just for toddlers!

19. You get to be a great hostess to your siblings when they visit.

Remember how annoying it used to be to even visit back home? Now you live there! However, your sibling doesn’t have to have an annoying visit with you as partially a host/hostess! Hit up their phone and ask them what they want for dessert.

20. There are comforting family pictures everywhere.

For some reason, when young people move out, they don’t take any family photos with them. It really makes it feel like home to have family photos around. We’ll have to remember that the next time we move out!