21 Little But Life-Changing Mantras To Repeat Every Single Day
By Shan Gogh
1. You do not need somebody to complete you. You are a masterpiece, an art. Stop waiting for someone to come along and sweep you off of your feet. Travel, watch movies in the cinema, eat in a restaurant all by yourself. It is okay to do things on your own. Know how to be content on being alone.
2. Know your worth. You are not just a piece of shit that people can throw away. You are not a cigarette that people will just take to satisfy them and take out the boredom out of their system. You are one hell of a drug. People will take you even though you might hurt or worse, kill them. At night, you will wake up afraid, wanting to die. Don’t give in. I repeat, don’t give in. Night plays its trick and don’t let the nostalgic melancholic waves crush you. You must not give in. Take a deep breath and tell yourself that you are here. You always were.
3. Make the best out of every moment. Seize it, make it your own. Because you will never experience the same amount of happiness in each and every moment in your life.
4. You won’t find happiness in the same place you lost it so stop going back.
5. Too much sunshine can make a desert.
6. Bad things happen for no reason sometimes and things end but that shouldn’t mean you should come to an end too. The wind might be violent but you have to learn to fly.
7. Stop ripping yourself apart just to make someone whole. If someone is broken, it is not your responsibility to make them whole because you can never make them whole. When you love, don’t give your all. Spare for yourself.
8. If someone or something hurts you, cut it off. You deserve a better life. You deserve all the good things in the Earth. You should know that, you should remember that.
9. Don’t waste your time crying over people who hurt you. You’re letting them win. Don’t let them have the satisfaction of tearing you apart. Fight. Fight for yourself.
10. Ignoring things won’t make it go away. It’ll only make the situation worse. It will only make it harder when you have to face it and there’s no available exit.
11. If someone wants you back, make them earn your trust. Don’t give in easily. You have to know if they are sincere because the last thing you want to know is to know that you are letting them to rip your heart in two.
12. Remember that who you are now is not who you’re going to be in ten years. It’s okay to be somebody new thirty minutes from now. It’s normal because we grow, we learn. If you realized you don’t like who you are now, better get yourself a new land to replant yourself, flower. Find a new place where you can replant yourself and shine.
13. You are the galaxy; stop making someone your whole universe especially if they only see you as a bright star in the night sky.
14. The sorrow you feel will always pass, but manage to make the beauty that comes with it stay in you.
15. Remain soft even though the world tries to make me hard and cold. Remain full of love and empathy even when you cannot feel it for yourself.
16. Don’t embrace your mistakes just because you spent a lot of time doing it.
17. Remember that who you are now is not who you’re going to be in ten years. It’s okay to be somebody new thirty minutes from now. It’s normal because we grow, we learn. If you realized you don’t like who you are now, better get yourself a new land to replant yourself, flower. Find a new place where you can replant yourself and shine.
18. Love the people the way you wanted to be loved. Do not mind if they can’t reciprocate the feelings; it will always come back to you through various ways.
19. When things got broken, they don’t really need a quick fix. You don’t need to fix it the moment it got broken. It will never do good. You need to wait for the storm to pass so you can fix it perfectly and continuously.
20. Don’t invert anyone into a home unless you are ready to be evicted without a warning.
21. Your first and last love should be yourself, not the boy you met in your high school life or the guy who winked at you in the bookstore.