27 White People Confess What It’s Really Like To Commit A Crime As A White Person
Dave Chappelle taught us why every Black person should have at least one White friend. It’s funny because it’s true in a world where “comedy,” as they say, is “tragedy plus time.” (Yes, I know Jon Stewart said it last night.) As we all surely know by now, Black people in the USA and White people in the USA do not always (see: rarely) get treated the same way by the authorities, least of all the police. After last night’s decision to not indict the officer in the Eric Garner chokehold case which led to his death, parts of the country erupted in protest – online and out on the streets.
There is an African proverb that I often find myself repeating since I’ve lived in this country, and have observed the way it’s legal and “justice” system works: “Corn can’t expect justice from a court composed of chicken.” If you’ve ever had any doubt that White privilege is real and not just something people say to piss you off, reading tweets from the Twitter #CrimingWhileWhite will certainly erase those doubts.
I once jumped a turnstile while trying to catch a subway. Received a warning. Wasn't choked out & killed. Nice. #CrimingWhileWhite
— Johnny Cohen (@NINJ5) December 3, 2014
Age 17: I bought gas but forgot to pay; an hour later I came back and they said they told the cops two black men did it. #CrimingWhileWhite
— Jacob Harold (@jacobcharold) December 4, 2014
Friend was driving my car (sober) and the other three of us were underage and drunk. Open beer in the car. Got a warning #crimingwhilewhite
— ALM (@ALWM77) December 3, 2014
Got caught by the Chicago PD sitting on a roof of a restaurant next to THE CHINESE EMBASSY. Let off with a verbal warning #CrimingWhileWhite
— Emily Joy Allison (@emilyjoypoetry) December 4, 2014
Sometimes a black friend would distract security by just walking around shopping while I filled a duffel with bottles. #CrimingWhileWhite
— eric lab rat (@EricLabRat) December 4, 2014
Me & my grunge friends smoking at the mall. Mall cop tells us to move. We tell him to F off. He laughs & bums a smoke.#CrimingWhileWhite
— brian wisti (@brianwisti) December 3, 2014
I shoplifted when I was 14 and they let me go because my parents came down and we "looked like a nice family." #crimingwhilewhite
— Joel Watson (@hijinksensue) December 4, 2014
I was pulled over doing 88 in a 45 after having 3 beers. I was breathalyzed and did not pass, but I got no ticket or dui #CrimingWhileWhite
— Anthony Carmen (@nthonyCarmen) December 3, 2014
Got pulled over for a brake light out. Underage and drinking and blew over the limit. Cop let me walk to my friend's apt. #CrimingWhileWhite
— Matthew Skalak (@skalakattack) December 3, 2014
When I was 17 I was caught shoplifting and they politely asked me to leave the store (with the merchandise) #crimingwhilewhite
— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee) December 3, 2014
Exhaled blunt smoke in a cop's face as I opened my door and then told him he couldn't come in without a warrant. He left. #CrimingWhileWhite
— Classic (@classicmaterial) December 3, 2014
Got caught trespassing a skate park with my friends when I was 18. Instead of fining us, the police called our parents. #CrimingWhileWhite
— The House Bunny Gesserit (@planetbrad) December 4, 2014
Stopped for speeding an unregistered car with no plates and no license. No ticket or search. He just said: "Fix it." #CrimingWhileWhite
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) December 4, 2014
Cited for setting off fireworks in St. Louis at 17. Lawyer uncle harassed the DA for free until all charges were dropped. #CrimingWhileWhite
— Jason Goldman (@goldman) December 4, 2014
You can also read: 41 People Of Color Talk About The Time The Police Hassled Them For No Reason.