28 People Share The One Thing They Wish The ESTJs In Their Lives Understood
By Heidi Priebe
1. “I am so jealous of your ability to connect with a crowd and be a leader, without all the soul crushing anxiety that I’m often faced when told I am put in charge of something.” –INFJ
2. “Try empathizing and watching for social cues. The things you say tend to be blunt and hurtful.” –ENFJ
3. “Stop telling me to clean my room! this is one part of your domain you are not allowed to micromanage! It’s mine! *hiss*” -ESFP
4. “It is OKAY to let your emotions show. It’s not weakness. It’s actually a strength to be vulnerable.” –ENFJ
5. “You could stand to relax a bit. There’s no need to get so worked up or overwhelmed about everything.” –ENFP
6. “I don’t know how you manage to be organized and keep everything together all the time. It’s crazy and I admire it so much. You don’t have to do it all alone though, you know. If you let people in, they’d love to help you and you could get even more done, and help them do the same.” –ENTP
7. “I am jealous that we have the same drive but you are more of a people person so I know you will get the promotion over me.” –ISTJ
8. “You should stop assuming that I will follow you, because generally I’m not going to.” –ESTP
9. “Is there really a point to telling you what I wish you knew? I mean unless I’m validating your perspective? Perspective, by the way, is one way (there are many) of looking at something.” –INFP
10. “You’re very human. I think the MBTI society gives you guys a lot of crap for following rules and being structured, but I know it’s because you want to belong an you have a very individualized code of ethics that keeps society afloat. So thanks.” –ESTP
11. “I don’t need you to organize me, but I still like you anyway!” -ENFJ
12. “Guys, I get your need for control, but try to stop micromanage.. See people beyond your numbers and rules.” –ENFJ
13. “Thank you for being a vocal leader that you were able to lead us in order for a task to become successful.” –ISTJ
14. “The world is formed around chaos, and there is nothing you can do about it.” –INFP
15. “Loosen up! People enjoy you, there’s no need to be so uptight :)” –ENFP
16. “The world isn’t black and white. Please absorb the implications of that statement instead of just saying, Of course I know it isn’t.” –INFJ
17. “Stop being so grouchy and making assumptions. But do keep telling what you see, exactly as you see it. I like the bluntness.” –ENTP
18. “I don’t appreciate being run over in planning sessions.” –ISFJ
19. “I will always admire how much you can handle. I’m not always sure about your methods, but I could never deal with all the pressures that you do.” –INFP
20. “Try to tone down your overbearing ways, it makes me want to hide from you.” –ISTJ
21. “Before you speak, think about how your words will affect others. You could probably get just as much accomplished, with less stress, hurt feelings, and people disliking you.” –ISFJ
22. “There’s more than one way of knowing.” –INFP
23. “Your ideas are amazing, and I know you mean well when you sometimes just want to jump right ahead, thinking your way is the best way. It’s cool though, you just gotta chill a little okay? High five!” –INFP
24. “Thank you for taking care of the people around you with boldness and integrity.” –ENFP
25. “I love your project manager style and I appreciate that you get stuff done. Although sometimes you can come off as mean.” –INTJ
26. “I like you, and I enjoy your conversations with me. But please, be more flexible and open-minded, rather than manipulative and self-serving.” –ISFJ
27. “It’s okay for other people to live their life in a way that you wouldn’t choose–that makes it not your taste, but it doesn’t make it wrong or deserving of your criticism.” –INFJ
28. “I admire your organization and determination. You are mysterious and magnetic because you don’t reveal your feelings. But I wish you would accept me as I am instead of trying to mould me into someone just like you.” –ENFP