31 Ways To Say No To Sex
By Davinia Chew
HERE WE GO! I am PUMPED to say no to sex!
1. “No, thanks. I prefer prehensile penises.”
2. “I queef while my vagina is being probed.”
3. “I defecate AND urinate during penetration.”
4. “I’m thirteen..” *pull out mobile device and enact the dialing of 911*
5. *Cry hysterically and make odd noises*
6. “Sorry, I have an orthodontist appointment.” *chomp teeth*
7. “My vagina has teeth.”
8. “I’m allergic to foreskin.”
9. “I have a boyfriend… Just kidding, I’m a lesbian. Just kidding, I’m heterosexual. Just kidding, I’m transgender-ed. Wait. WHO AM I?!”
10. “I have a rape fetish. I scream “rape” during penetration.”
11. “There is a tail growing out of my vagina. It’s been there for four years.”
13. “I ate two cans of beans for breakfast… And prunes for dessert last night.”
14. “Will you marry me…? Please? Please…?! PLEASE?!”
15. “I’m celibate.. and I have vaginosis. Google that.”
16. “Acne has infested my vagina.”
17. “My armpit and vagina were switched while I was in the uterus.”
18. “My heart stops when I orgasm… Just like that girl in the novel Like Water For Chocolate.”
19. “Sorry.. I just ran out of birth control pills and I’m allergic to latex.”
20. “Amanda Bynes is my spirit animal.”
21. “I’m circumcised…”
22. “I’m waiting for my children to be birthed.”
23. “I’m drowning in menstrual blood. HELP!”
24. “I’m suffering from vaginal prolapse. Yes… I’m THAT girl.”
25. “I have the clap” *obnoxiously clap hands until he leaves*
26. “Let me ask my Mom first… Sometimes she says yes.”
27. “Sorry. I like my eggs unfertilized. I’m allergic to birth control.”
28. “Scissor. Scissor. Scissors!”
29. “I have uterus didelphys.”
30. “I have IBS.”
31. *Wet your pants*
So there you go. Thirty one ways to say no to sexual intercourse. You’re welcome.