4 Things We Should Not Be Afraid Of Doing If We Want To Go Far in Life
By Farah Ayaad
You know how they say that “psychology says to always go with the choice that scares [us] the most, because that’s the one that is going to help [us] grow?” Well, this is what this article is about: overcoming our fears and looking at them as milestones that magnify our power. To go far in life, we have to come face-to-face with many of the fears that hold us back from what we want, who we want to become and the things we want to accomplish in life. Here are four things we should never be afraid of doing:
1. Getting Out Of Our Comfort Zone
Magic becomes contagious the moment we put ourselves out there and challenge our perception of the world and who we are. To get out of our comfort zone means to be open-minded, to be courageous, to be in the moment: fully and truly. It means that we are okay with not feeling completely comfortable at times like waking-up earlier than we would or going to the gym more often.
2. Taking Risks
Taking risks is what makes life exciting, worthwhile, and surprising! We got to after what we want without being fearful of what could go wrong or what others have to say. Our lives should be driven by the good kind of fear, the one that pushes us towards our goals. Go ask that one person out. Go after that one job you really want.
3. Making Mistakes
Mistakes make us wiser in the sense that they teach us patience, persistence, and compassion. They remind us that we are human, they remind us that we are not right all of the time, they remind us that we have so much to learn from life.
4. Asking for Help
We cannot do it all on our own all of the time. Sometimes we will need someone to talk to, a hand to reach out to, a place to go to at the end of day. Sometimes it is the simplest things in life like asking someone for directions or resources that will help us get to where we want.