4 Things You Will Experience As An Interracial Couple
Yes, we all speak perfectly good English but does that mean we understand each other? HELL NO. A good example being, my mom talked to her American in –laws just yesterday and could not understand a single thing they said. She resorted to just saying yes and laughing and grunting on occasion. It was hilarious to say the least. According to mum, their Midwestern accent was odd and they kept using phrases she could not understand. And she added that everything they said sounded slanted. I cannot even begin to imagine what her heavy Indian accent must have sounded like to them.
This is one of the most popular subjects that will come up in a cross –cultural/inter racial marriage situation. Especially when your parents happen to be Indians who do not know the meaning of the word boundaries or personal choice. They will inevitably ask what religion the future children will be. And they will question you as to whether the children will be brought up learning about the Indian culture. God help those who say no. All hell will break lose. That is a promise.
Indian parents will insist on a traditional Indian ceremony. And the other side will want their own ceremony as well. Hence, you will be forced to endure the whole spectacle twice. That’s double the cost, double the hours spent going over inconsequential details, double the number of relatives who will pinch your cheeks and attempt to kiss/hug you and of course, if you’re lucky enough to be Indian, you will receive double the amount of wedding bounty in the form of money and gold.
Face it. Your children are not going to look like the average person. Especially when you’re combining traditional South Indian looks with the classic American white female. Your child is going to look memorable. If he or she ends up being a criminal, face the facts that they WILL be recognized very quickly. There is no disguising that face easily.
I adore my brother and his new wife. I like the fact that despite all the obvious stuff that will come up sooner or later due to basic differences, it is, to quote a cliché, a match made in heaven. My final opinion on interracial/cross cultural marriages: I’m all for it.