4 Ways To Procrastinate Wisely
We’ve all had those experiences where we have an essay to do or a test to study for and just can’t focus. Here are some tips for procrastinators on how to make the most of your time “slacking” and get yourself ready to be productive!
1. Go for a walk- or a run, if you’re feeling ambitious.
A lot of the time I’m having trouble focusing it’s simply because I can’t sit still. Getting some exercise will help you exert energy, clear your mind, and come back to your work with a new attitude.
2. Listen to music.
Listening to music will allow your mind to go on vacation for a bit. You’ll forget about that Shakespeare essay or econ test you have for a few minutes. Music is also calming, which will allow you to relax and be more efficient later on.
3. Do something “semi-productive”
Is it your friend’s birthday and you need to bake her brownies? Do you need to go to the store to get something? Is their laundry to be done? If there’s something small on your list that’s “semi-productive,” use your study break to do that. It’ll make you feel much better about yourself. (I, for instance, am using my study break to write a thought catalog article…)
4. Take a nap!
This may seem counter-intuitive, but sometimes you really just need to shut the world out for a while. Research has stated that 20 minute naps are ideal for study breaks. So go on procrastinators, take that nap you’ve been itching for.