40 Simple Things To Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving
1. Your lungs for breathing, your heart for breathing, and your brain for functioning as best as it can
2. The ability to pick up the phone and call a loved one, no matter how far away they live
3. The feeling you get when you walk into a warm building after standing out in the cold for just a little too long
4. Mornings when you wake up and realize you don’t have to immediately get out of bed
5. The jittery feeling in your stomach when someone special texts you
6. Inside jokes — and the people you share them with
7. The rush of excitement when you meet someone you click with immediately
8. Waking up to your favorite kind of weather
9. The feeling of reading a great book for the first time
10. The feeling of reading a great book for the second time (and getting to relive all the magic)
11. Your favorite outfit that makes you feel confident
12. Random acts of kindness
13. Memes that actually make you laugh out loud
14. Communities — online or otherwise — that make you feel less alone
15. Reruns of your favorite TV show
16. Your pet (and how happy they always are to see you)
17. Your morning coffee
18. Kind strangers on the Internet
19. The beauty in the nature around you, even if it’s just the way the light filters in through the trees
20. Having a place to call home
21. Any religion or belief system that gives you hope
22. Anything that makes you feel warm on a cold day — coats, blankets, hot chocolate, etc.
23. Fate-like coincidences
24. Anything and anyone that helps calm your mind when you’re feeling troubled
25. Strangers who compliment you, open doors for you, or smile at you on the street
26. The taste of your favorite meal
27. Inspirational quotes that motivate you to do something you’ve been putting off
28. A good pair of shoes
29. A solid skincare routine
30. Free time when you have nothing to do but something for your own happiness
31. Any opportunity that has come your way — even if you decided it wasn’t the right one for you
32. The ability to go after the things you love, even if it seems impossible
33. Your favorite song (and the feeling you get when it plays on the radio)
34. The knowledge that somebody loves you, no matter who they might be
35. Good, lighthearted memories and our ability to revisit them
36. Your favorite places to spend your free time, whether that’s a bookstore, a park, or a gym
37. Your capacity to feel love, whether it’s for family, friends, or a romantic partner
38. Your own strength, and your ability to grow despite any past traumas or heartaches
39. All of the things in life that go right
40. Anything and everything that makes your soul sing