40 Questions I Have About The Way Women Act
By Andrew West
1. Why do so many women never ask men out?
2. Why do some women objectify male celebrities but get mad when females are objectified?
3. Why do so many women force men into paying child support if he doesn’t want the child? Wouldn’t they get mad if the government was to ban abortions and were to make them raise their child against their will?
4. Why do so many women call each other “bitches” and “Ho’s” but get mad when a man refer to them as a “bitch” or “ho”?
5. Why do some women post half naked pictures social media sites but get mad when men comment things such as “sexy”, “hot” or “fine”? Why do they call those men desperate when they’re the ones seeking attention by posting pics on social media?
6. Why do some women call men they find unattractive “creepy” if they approach them in order to get their numbers?
7. Why do some women hit men and expect not to get hit back?
8. Why do some women think it’s not cheating if it’s with another woman?
9. Why do so many women think circumcising a male baby is OK but think circumcising a female baby is wrong?
10. Why do so many women think looking at naked pictures of women online is wrong yet go out dressed half naked for the world to see?
11. Why do so many women idolize a drug addict who had sex with married men? I’m talking about Ms. Monroe.
12. Why do so many women kiss other women to gain attention? I’m not talking about gay and bi women.
13. Why do so many women with curly hair straighten their hair and women with straight hair curl their hair? Are you not happy with your hair?
14. Why do so many women want to be treated like a queen but refuse to treat men date date/marry as kings?
15. Why do so many women idolize Beyoncé? She’s great and all but she’s not a god.
16. Why do so many women with curves shame women without curves and vice versa?
17. Why do so many women not understand what misogyny is?
18. Why do so many women not understand what misandry is?
19. Why so many women claim drunken sex is rape?
20. Why many women steal food from their SO’s plate?
21. Why do so many women take forever to get ready?
22. Why do so many women claim to be freaky in the sack only to turn the lights off, take their clothes off and have missionary sex?
23. Why do so many women not understand that they don’t have to do what the media tells them to? Why do they not know they don’t have to actually live up to the “so-called” expectations they think the media places on them?
24. Why do many women end up dating men they specifically claim NOT to want?
25. Why do some women feel as though they can playfully kick guys in his balls? Would you like it if they “playfully” kicked you in the vagina?
26. Why do so many women try to justify cheated by saying things such as “You wasn’t giving me what I needed in this relationship” or “You shouldn’t have been spying on me”?
27. Why do so many women feel as though a man in a park is a pedophile but a woman in a park is just a woman in the park?
28. Why do so many women expect people to compliment them so much?
29. Why do so many women give their number out so easily to gay women even if they’re straight?
30. Why do so many women dance to the songs they claim are “sexist” and “degrading”?
31. Why do so many women find it acceptable to read porn (50 shades of grey) in public but find it disgusting for a man to watch porn in public?
32. Why do so many women use sex as a weapon?
33. Why do so many women think owing a vibrator is fine but owning a pocket pussy makes you desperate?
34. Why do women wear heels to make them look taller but squat to take a picture?
35. Why do so many women prefer tall men but wear heels to make them taller than a lot of men?
36. Why do so many women shave/wax their body hair only to get mad when they have to shave/wax it again? If you don’t like shaving/waxing don’t shave/wax.
37. Why do so many women think expensive means better?
38. Why do so many women pluck their eyebrows only to draw them back in?
39. Why do so many women cut their hair only to regret it and pray for it to grow back as soon as possible?
40. Why will so many women get irrationally mad at this list that is meant to be humorous? Of course I know I used generalizations. I’m not sexist nor do I hate women so don’t post things such as “here’s another misogynistic list”, “this is why we need feminism”, “You sound like you have a small penis”, “Someone needs to make one about stupid shit men do”, “Stop generalizing women”, “we do it because we want to, etc.”.