5 Basic Tips For Getting Through The Workweek


In college, I was the student who had to work and study in a conference room or library. Today, I write most of my content in coffee shops or creative work spaces. Basically, I need a controlled environment to get work done. So when my current 9 to 5 became 100% work from home, I felt a bit out of my element.

In order to make sure I was getting everything done, I had to develop a routine. After a while, I realized this was helpful not only for my career, but for life in general. Here are a few of my workweek habits that keep me from losing it.

1. Working Out

I’ll be 30 next year, and one of the goals I’ve been slowly working on is health and fitness. Now I’ll be honest, it’s definitely been a process. However, I want to go into the next decade feeling and looking my best. So while that is what sparked the idea, exercise has also contributed to my workweek by eliminating the morning sluggish feeling and giving me a boost of energy.

2. Being Intentional With Time

For me, making calls, creating pitches, and answering emails are all included in a typical work day. Sometimes daily tasks can seem overwhelming, and it’s important to know which are most important and give them the attention they deserve. Let’s be honest, if I’m working on 10 different things at the same time, at least three of them are being slighted. Multitasking is cool, but so is being intentional and present.

3. Scouting For New Opportunities

No matter what industry one is in, finding customers/clientele is important. My 9 to 5 is in sales, and the bulk of my day is spent prospecting. However, I also make time to do this in my entrepreneurial endeavors. It could be researching film festivals, finding new magazines/blogs, or discovering talent. Looking for new opportunities will always be a great way to stay motivated and inspired.

4. Making Time For Self-Care

Earlier in the year, I couldn’t figure out why I was in such a funk. I’d work all morning on my day job and then start projects for my own business in the evening. Before I knew it, it was time to make dinner and go to bed. It all felt very monotonous, which is a feeling I despise. I knew something had to change.

First of all, my mom suggested I get more lights. I know that sounds weird, but if you’re feeling uninspired, change your lighting. Being in a brighter environment can have an impact on your mood. I also made sure to make more time for things I enjoy. That could be attending a show, going on a date, bingeing Game of Thrones (yet again), or simply stepping away to call my family. I know everybody talks about “hustle” and “the grind,” but if you’re not enjoying life, what’s the point of it all?

5. Quieting My Mind

Something my sister often says to me is, “You’re such a millennial.” I love content — if I’m not creating it, I’m consuming it. Podcasts, YouTube, Netflix — I love it all. That said, due to the craziness of life, I tend to scroll the most late at night. And then sure enough, I fall asleep. Now all of sudden the last thing I saw before going to bed is a crazy viral clip, or maybe an Instagram page of a random person I haven’t spoke to in years. I had to realize that in order to truly sleep peacefully (which is super important), my mind deserves a break from the constant flux of life. A few moments of prayer, meditation, or even just reading before bed gives me a much better feeling at night and the following day.

Obviously there are some weeks where following this blueprint is harder than usual. There may be a week where my to-do list is nonexistent or I’m just not feeling the gym. Still, as long as I start fresh the next day, I feel like I’m doing okay.