5 Great Songs By New Artists You Probably Don’t Know


Stop complaining that “music sucks now,” music is doing fine, thank you very much – the only problem here is that you’re too lazy to search for it and help us to make it something so clear that we shouldn’t have to search to begin with.

1. California Daze – Peace

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUQEoL2Cn4s]
Peace is an English band formed in 2009 but that has quite a vibe about being a star of this decade, the kind of dense and timeless vibe that will make future people listen to their music as a way to escape to this present decade that sure will be romanticized, but also relating it eye-to-eye in their own time. This cool band has this nice but annoying name (if you consider googling them to find everything about them you have to go past some doves and peace-sign tattoos), but let’s get past it too. This particular song should be your summer backpack if you don’t feel like a robot that is always fancy and stuff. Even in the winter of Mars or something, this song is a piece of summer to bring you an eternal sight of blurry heat of sunbeams with fruity melancholy.

2. Crystallized – Melody’s Echo Chamber

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7kVZjPIe1I]An artist that makes us feel like “I-want-to-kick-every-grey-scale-and-solid-wall-to-go-live-in-a-kaleidoscope”, Melody Prochet, the “Melody’s Echo Chamber” French girl is a new musical muse for you to dream about psychedelic. Her debut album is joy to be enjoyed in as a whole picture, but this song that I’m listing is a detail so delineated that deserved a spot for itself. “Crystallized” with its buzzy resonation and tropical guitars easily followed by her sang whisper makes us fall in love already, but as we listen it through it roots itself as a real jam, fun and best-friend-y enough for us to whistle while we’re happy or sad and we don’t really know why, so we need a company to be with us telepathically.

3. Fluffy – Wolf Alice

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkghyKKQDss]
This eye candy band (their cover arts are gorgeous) with a female vocalist that rocks on Spice Girl t-shirts is a four-piece band born in 2010 that has yet not released an album (only EPs), what makes me very excited about their first release to be a piece of explosive little kid’s bombs to explode in people’s ear whether they want it or not.  “Fluffy” is a song that sweats sweetness through its frustrations, what I guess makes this not only a The Smiths’ and Breeders’ follower, but their 10 year old smart little braided cousin speaking their blood with a brand-new filter of a bittersweet cotton candy to be eaten by music snobs. I personally recommend you to dance and lip-synch this song like you’re being filmed for a viral music video.

4. Goodbye Weekend – Mac Demarco

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT_XB9mhPnY]
Mac Demarco is a fresh full-on character to music that embodies his music to be even more charismatic. With an electric guitar ruled music that doesn’t sound old and lazily nostalgic out of its reality of now being a different time, his music makes us crave for guitar music remaining as a confident expression of energy and sensual longings with chords and waves of a new identity instead frightening kids out whenever it comes out on radio like it is a trailer of an old movie, an horror of its own distance like 80’s neon leggings. This song part of his 2014 album “Salad Days” is a calming song with sharp guitar threads that is a gift from me to your upcoming summer, for whatever emotion you feel like having.

5. Avant Gardener – Courtney Barnett

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcnIhzaDTd0]Australian Courtney Barnett is a singer-songwriter standing in the very front packed only with her guitar and her own self-felt words and this is all I should need to say to show her amazingness, I mean, think of an early Bob Dylan or PJ Harvey concert after a glam rock band setlist. However I have to spotlight this easy, witty song that talks about having an anaphylactic asthma attack that starts with “I sleep in late/ Another day/ Oh what a wonder /Oh what a waste /It’s a Monday /It’s so mundane”. In times like these with TV shows like Girls and aesthetic film style of warm colors, I think we should raise her as our one of our divas.

Bonus: Ob-la-di Ob-la-da – The Beatles

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRtAO-nffz0]A.k.a. The worst song by the most famous musical group.