28 People Share The One Thing They Wish The ENFPs In Their Lives Understood
By Heidi Priebe
1. “I don’t always want you to fix my problems. I love that you are a visionary and always want to help but sometimes all I need is a listening ear and hug.” –ESFP
2. “When you develop your Te, you become incredibly formidable. It’s a rare thing to be able to connect with people on a personal level, but also tell them off when they need to hear it.” –ENTP
3. “We need some space.” –INFJ
4. “Just because you can’t be a part of EVERYTHING doesn’t mean the people around you love you any less. Try to be less insecure about where you stand in your friendships. We love you. We promise.” –ENFJ
5. “I will fight you tooth and nail on it, but I do appreciate the spontaneity and chaos you bring to my life.” –INFJ
6. “Emotions come and emotions go. Please remember that.” –ENFP
7. “Keep being fun and random. Seriously, your spontaneity and genuine excitement is infectious. Don’t ever let the world drag you down and make you cynical.” –ENTP
8. “Don’t take everything so personally. It’s not always about YOU!” –ENTP
9. “I greatly admire your ability to put me at ease and allow me to open up so easily with your carefree persona and humour. However, I wish you were more reliable and consistent.” –ISTJ
10. “I’m really not as malleable as you think. REALLY not.” –INTJ
11. “Even if we sometimes come across as annoyed or indifferent, your motivational speeches and pep talks actually hugely impact us. I wish you knew just how much the world needs champions like you, with your relentless positivity. Don’t let the world make you hard or jaded, you are such a needed ray of sunshine in this often dark world; you guys are the technicolored figures in a black and white world, and I love it.” –ENTP
12. “You need to keep it down sometimes, you are too loud.” –ISTP
13. “It is OK to choose the dish in the restaurant based on what you feel like, instead of reading the whole menu. It is not, however, OK to interrupt me constantly when I am trying to get out a full sentence. I forget the beginning when you start to babble!” –ENFJ
14. “It is very worth it to learn how to control your mood swings.” –ENFP
15. “You bring the wildest, most joyful life to the world. I wouldn’t want to live on an earth without ENFPs. You are absolutely treasured. Hold on to that, and remember your value when your emotions plunge. You’re gonna make it. The lows are only so intense because you go to heights few types will know. I love you.” –INFJ
16. “You have so much soul – use it well. You wrap people up inside you without even trying. You’ve got to know how contagious you are…all your confidence, energy, and self-pity. Just don’t dive so deep into yourself that you can’t come out.” –ISTP
17. “Calm the eff down! Make a decision! Not everything in life is fun!” –ENFJ
18. “I love you, but don’t get upset that I’m not always as enthused as you and about the same things as you.” –INFP
19. “Don’t worry about overwhelming people with your forthright, passionate love and dizzying emotional complexity. Surround yourself with people who truly appreciate you for who you are.” –INTJ
20. “You don’t have to be a manic pixie dream girl/boy all the time, make sure you take some ‘you’ time!” –ENFP
21. “I love the passion, but every time you start talking about your next great “cause” my eyes glaze over…” –ENTP
22. “You are awesome in many ways , but please stop looking at the greener pastures on the other side.” –INTJ
23. “I know that the whirlwind of ideas and everything you want to be makes sense even if at times they don’t seem realistic. You just need the right people who will support and interpret what you cannot seem to communicate. There are people who are willing to go rollercoasting with you, there are people who will remind you that you that you are the best when you forgot it trying to bring out the best in other people. And there are people who will go the extra mile (because why not?) of patience in putting all those ideas into a good piece and help you execute it. And i wish you knew there are people who won’t run away from you even though you keep running away, and that someone can truly love you as you are. At least I do!” –INFP
24. “I love you. But I need time to myself sometimes.” –ISFP
25. “Keep luring us out of our shells in the way that only you can. We need it more than you think!” –INFJ
26. “I love all you guys. A LOT, arguably too much! But sometimes you do need to stop and think before you leap. Your passion doesn’t always make consequences of actions irrelevant.” –INFJ
27. “We, the INFJs are looking for a long term friendship/relationship. We are not here for you to just come and go after you have lose interests in us especially when we start to be open with you. We felt betrayed!” –INFJ
28. “Your passion is a good thing, no matter how frustrated you are about how emotional, stubborn, and strong-willed you feel you can be. It is admirable to the rest of us and will take you far, if you focus all that passion on the right things.” –ENTP