54 Best Tweets From NYC’s Tell-All Gossip Taxi Driver, @NYCTaxiCabTales
By Michael Koh
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 1, 2014
Chick said:Her sister works in White House- Obama uses Star Trek Technology standing under Ray appears in 10 Downing for meeting W/Cameron.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 27, 2014
Chick said:She's after Big conspiracies,every Monday@2:39 AM 747 takes off from JFK flies straight to earth's Outer Space Full,returns Empty
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) February 14, 2014
Couple said:Were dining in UWS restaurant next to Seinfeld table w/friends-heard dude Seinfeld expressing his desire to become NYC Mayor.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) February 16, 2014
Chick said:She's Phenomenon tracker,there's a blue bus drives around NYC usually after 2:00 AM w/out driver,people get in&out w/out noticing
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) February 25, 2014
2 chicks were saying:"He thinks we don't know he's screwing both us,he thinks we're stupud, let's buy venomous snake put it inside his car".
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 15, 2014
Dude said:His girlfriend went to India business trip,returned now @ midnights chick levitates,says:learned from Guru-dude thinks she's Alien
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 6, 2014
Dude said:He's security in Underground Club in Bushwick,Saturday eves @1AM Toronto Mayor Rob Ford stops by always w/3 chicks,flies back 4 AM
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) February 23, 2014
Chick from Riga said:2012 Kite landed on her balcony w/address of bank in Zurich & safe deposit code,found €500K inside bank's safe deposit,
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) February 22, 2014
Elegant aged Chinese chick said:When you're angry, don't say anything, count to 10- when you're really angry, count to 100 before you talk.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) February 25, 2014
Chick said:Was unemployed 2 yrs,FedEx delivered to her envelope w/out sender's address-found inside $12K-note said"you helped me 12 yrs ago"
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 11, 2014
Chick said: Austin is becoming new San Francisco, San Fran is becoming new NYC- & NYC is becoming God knows what.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 1, 2014
Chick was saying on cell-"I am always attracted to overly confident asshole dudes, it's a challenge, once I conquer them I dump them" .
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 2, 2014
Chick said:Her husband died last yr,saw deceased husband last week in Central Park,dude told her"they revived me,I'm one of them" & runaway.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 6, 2014
Chick from Riga said:Was playing Black Jack in Vegas, dude next to her won $1Million, security came to arrest him, dude evaporated into air.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 11, 2014
Chick from Brazil said: She's 6 generation Paranormal specialist, she can tell right away who's real who's not- Fox News is 66 % not human.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 16, 2014
Chick from DC said:Went to Miley Cyrus concert @Barclay last night,sat on chewing gums on seat,ruined her $1800 new pants, planning lawsuit.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 6, 2014
Japanese chick said:Her boyfriend is genius,created car that runs on human wastes,American& Japanese car makers want to kill him,he's hiding
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 13, 2014
Chick from New Jersey said:Lost wallet w/$670 cash inside Paris Subway- was riding NYC Subway, found her wallet w/$670 inside, very nervous.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) February 21, 2014
2 chicks from Google office on 8th Ave were saying: Google is planning to buy out Buzzfeed for $500 Million cash, not sure if they sell.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) March 20, 2014
Chick tabloid photographer said: Alec Baldwin needs little humility, what happened to dude today was good thing.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 13, 2014
Dude from London said:2009@1AM walking drunk in dark alley,something fell on his head,unconscious-woke up found Gold bullion next to him.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 13, 2014
Chick was saying in her cell: Jeb Bush has promised to make Ann Coulter his national security advisor if dude wins white house 2016.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 13, 2014
Chick from Roswell New Mexico said: People shouldn't wory about Cssey Kadem's disappearance, dude has been abducted by UFO 7 times before.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 13, 2014
Chick nutritionist consultant said: If there's 1 big favor you owe yourself, stop consuming sugar immediately .
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 11, 2014
2 chicks from Amsterdam said: Were in Moscow Tube it was 1AM, there was no one insight, saw 6 silhouettes moving around, videoed them.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 11, 2014
Chick from Montreal said: gets all her latest fashion tips from Who What Where .
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 10, 2014
Chick said:Writing book on polygamy in America-Charlie Sheen is currently married to 9 chicks legally in 9 states,dude wants to break record
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 10, 2014
Chick said:Fortune teller in Mexico told her under Central Park nyc 50 ft under vault filled w/diamonds buried, investigated authenticity.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 9, 2014
Chick said:She's US Army served in Afghanistan 4 yrs-came across small village, villagers had big statue of Rober de Niro as their Deity .
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 9, 2014
Chick said: She's bartender in over 100 yr old private club- every 4 AMS when bar is closing,has seen ghost couple sitting @ bar kissing.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 8, 2014
Dude from Houston said:He knows where Rob Ford,Toronto Mayor is for rehab,he's been there twice-they make patients climb tree naked midday.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 8, 2014
Chick from Brazil said: Loves yogurt, the best yogurt is found in Barcelona.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 6, 2014
Chick from San Diego said: Some UCLA professors blocking class in racial, gender, culture, religious are dinosaurs, they should be fired.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 5, 2014
Chick from Sanra Fe said:@12 was molested by step-father-w/ Mom poured bottle of bleach into dudes mouth,police suspect murder,didn't arrest
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 4, 2014
Couple from Sidney said:Stayed @Motel 6 in Oklahoma,witnessed Devil Worshipping Ceremony-were offered $50K to become Satanist,refused run
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 4, 2014
Chick from London said:There's special gambling hall underground in Picadilly where ex-leaders of governments gamble-Bush 2 is regular.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 4, 2014
Chick Consumer Abuse Journalist said:Recall of 9 Million pounds of cancerous bad meat in Petaluma California is tip of iceberg.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 3, 2014
Chick said:There's Matchmaking train ride from NYC to Boston every 1st Fri @ 2 AM-costs $2,000 guaranteed you'll meet your match,33 married.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 3, 2014
Dude from london said:Had advanced skin cancer,had 3 weeks to live-went to Peru, village doctor wrapped him 24 hr w/vidalia onions.all cured
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 2, 2014
Dude Anthropologist said:Unfortunate,but true in 90% of America,when interracial couples go outside,people stare@them as if they're criminal
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 2, 2014
Chick said: She's Sr. VP of human resources for fortune 100- doesn't look for academic achievements when hires, seeks strong core values.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 1, 2014
Chick said:Has proof there are 6 Poltergeist rooms in Brooklyn Navy Yard,FBI puts worse
criminals inside these room to get info out of them
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) May 1, 2014
Chick said:Moved to Hoboken 3 months ago,been witnessing 3 weird looking dudes,after 1AMS coming out of wall of a building,afraid to report
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 29, 2014
Dude from South Dakota said:10 years ago had heart problems, diabetes, prostate cancer-started eating Oatmeal 3 times daily, all cured now.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 26, 2014
Chick said: She's obsessed W/Paranormal /Secrets in NYC- An injured ET has been on lose in Park Slope, FBI agents are everywhere looking.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 26, 2014
Chick said: Knows for fact Bill O'Reilly & Stephen Colbert are drinking buddies since way back, criticize each other for their ratings .
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 23, 2014
Chick from Delhi said:In London an underground room costs £100{30 minutes}hang on walls pics if people you hate, gives you 100 rotten eggs.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 22, 2014
Chick said:Her Sister is Special FBI involved w/discovering ETS among us-annually 66 individuals fly wheel well-after landing,none are human
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 22, 2014
Self-Proclaimed NYC Guru Chick said:There's an Under-Pass in Central Park,if anyone walks under it after midnight,will become mute forever.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 21, 2014
Chick said:Grew in Savannah @night tree changed shape,looked like human face w/2 Horns,now lives in Harlem, sees same tree doing same@night
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 20, 2014
Dude from Pretoria said:Each time he dies,gets reincarnated as different being-best life he's had when he was living as Dog in 1900's Paris.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 19, 2014
Chick Professor from New School said:Selfies are exhibition of Extreme Self-Righteous-Ness,anyone secured in her/his skin,doesn't do selfie.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 17, 2014
Chick from Rome said:In Kilimanjaro lives 101 yr old chick,Guarantted to cure any disease if 1 can take 3 minutes beating by her Magic Cane.
— NYCTaxiCabTales (@nyctaxicabtales) April 16, 2014