6 Little Things All Introverts Totally Hate


My mom told me this story, so it must be true.

“You were about five years old, and we were sitting in our car, waiting for the pedestrian to cross the street.

Just as she did, you turned to us and said,

‘I’m so glad I’m not her.’

When I asked you why, you responded,

‘Because, we’re all looking at her.’”

So I guess I can safely say, I’ve been an introvert for all my life.

My mom wondered if it could have been the fact that I started life in bright lights. Born at only 3 1/2 pounds, I lived in a hospital for the first few months of my life.

Everyone’s eyes were on me.

It’s hard being an introvert. The simplest things can be so big.

Things that come naturally to extroverts are struggles for us.

Some people don’t understand.

So for the 50–74% of you out there who are extroverts, I want to share six things that introverts hate.

1. Being asked, “Why are you so quiet?”

I was having a good time, playing Apples to Apples, at camp, until he made that comment.

I’m quiet because I’m trying to process what I’ve heard.
And sometimes I’m just waiting for my turn, and it doesn’t come.
We introverts don’t want to push our way in. We’re waiting to be invited.

But sometimes the invitation gets lost in the mail.

Being quiet is actually a good thing.

The next time someone says, “You’re so quiet,” just smile and say, “Thank you, I enjoy listening.”

2. Any and all crowds.

Walking into the church lobby, I whisper, “God, just get me past this.” I feel as if all eyes are on me, even though my brain knows they’re not.

Whether it’s a mall, school, or a football game, extroverts see crowds and feel energized; introverts see crowds and just want to hide.

We do enjoy people, but in much, much, smaller doses.

Some introverts aren’t as bothered by crowds as others, depending on the situation. If it’s a social event, like church, the crowd is overwhelming, because we may be expected to socialize.

But in concerts or movie theaters, there are no expectations. We just get to enjoy the show.

3. Talking in groups.

At a High School event at church, we stood in a circle, holding hands with strangers, which was already enough. And then we were asked to pray out loud.

Thankfully they said the words, “If you like.”

My turn came, and I said, “Pass.” I prayed in my head, but I still felt guilty. Was I less of a Christian because I prayed inside of my head? No

4. Parties and social gatherings.

As I said before extroverts are energized by people, They are the social butterflies, and butterflies love to mingle.

Introverts, prefer hanging out with one or two close friends.

Sometimes we have to refuel after a social event. We need our alone time.

5) Introducing ourselves in class

I freeze as the teacher announces, “OK, everyone, we’re going to go around the room. Say your name, your major, and tell us something about yourself.” As my turn approaches, I’m afraid my heart is going to jump out of my chest.

6. Speeches of any kind.

Speech was the hardest class I took in college, next to Algebra. My legs turn to jello, and the whole thing feels like a bad dream. It doesn’t help me to picture anyone in their underwear. Nothing helps.

Please don’t put introverts on stage. We’re begging you. We’re much happier behind the scenes, in the corner of the room.

So I’m not making a speech, we’ve already addressed that I hate speeches, but I am asking you to consider these 6 areas.

The world needs both extroverts and introverts. Without us, it would be all noise.