7 Career Goals To Get 2017 Started On A High
I could talk about relationship goals and personal goals, but as millennials or youngsters there is always that feeling of either succeeding in life. And it all stems from what we are making out of careers. That is if we have made a career of something we are passionate at.
While 2016 may have given you all that you want, or not, it is time to start planning for the New Year. You have to look ahead and see possibilities. This is the time to set goals and aim for them. Here are 7 career goals to get 2017 started on a high.
1. Get a job
It is a tough economy and competition is pretty stiff. You may have been waiting on the sideline all this while, but now getting a job if you don’t have any should be top of your list of career goals. If you are looking for employment, be flexible and think of short-term goals that can be achieved before you reach your ultimate goal of obtaining a career. It is a tough process but it sure is worth aiming for.
2. Earn a promotion
If you already have a job then point A may not be relevant to you. But you may want to consolidate on your effort and earn that promotion you have always desired. No one can negate what promotion does for you, a better paycheck, more responsibility and developing relationships with other members or employees. It takes effort though, like planning, committing and being zealous.
3. Earn a certificate or degree
You may need a particular degree or certificate to jumpstart your career goals and put you on a desirable path to success. If you are headed for certain traditional paths in medicine or law you will need specific knowledge, education or a particular degree to help you advance your career. There is no harm in setting this goal for the New Year and increasing your career options.
4. Start a business
Who doesn’t want to start business when entrepreneurship is suddenly becoming so cool, sexy and popular? Yes becoming your own boss could be a career goal option. Ryan Robinson explains that having a side business whilst having a job is a viable option. That way, you can transition into the bold step of becoming a full-blown entrepreneur and make the shift only when you start striking gold.
5. Switch jobs to a more thrilling profession
Yes there is nothing as ugly as being stuck to a dead-end job where there is no excitement or fun whether you’re self-employed or working for the man. It is sickening to live simply for the paycheck. Perhaps you need to shop for another job or even create one for yourself,Sam Ovens explains what made him leave his day job and pursue his passion.Next year could have you switch jobs to a more delightful one where you can be more involved and passionate about work.
6. Improve your online media presence
You may not appreciate the importance of improving your online media presence, but in a digital age doing this could improve your network. Beyond improving your network, Neil Patel explains what your digital image has to do with your future. Look beyond the conventional and seek unconventional methods in improving your career options.
7. Be more productive with your time
We all would want to make better use of our time and be more productive with it. However we could be caught up with so many activities all at once. The New Year offers you the chance to prioritize and focus more. Know what needs to be done so you can be a more productive person and get more of your goals attained faster.
Being more productive improves your all round performance, from sales to strategy execution. The truth is that we never have enough time, so learn to be meticulous with your time in the New Year.