7 Christian-Friendly Quotes From Known God-Hater, Nietzsche
John Hick, a philosopher of religion, told the story of the three blind men touching an elephant as a way to understand a world with many religions. One, touching the tail feels and describes to his friends something entirely different than the blind man touching the elephant’s torso.
We are telling different stories about the same revelation and we do better when we remember that our humanness necessarily limits our understanding of truth and our ability capture and express it in its entirety.
Isn’t that what we all think is beautiful about being a human though?
Being in love doesn’t make sense, but we all want it anyway. Being smart doesn’t make sense, it’s a lot easier to be happy when you’re an idiot but no one goes around calling you depraved for going to college. We like to be different than animals, thank you very much.
I don’t think there are any Christians on the planet who think Nietzsche is describing what Christianity is actually about. He is describing the way Christians act. If you had a brand, you would pay a consultant thousands of dollars to come up with such valuable criticism even though all he’s saying is don’t be a freaking asshole.
What is a bigger obstacle to overcome than to believe that your soul will burn in hell for eternity if you can’t convince yourself that something is True? According to Nietzsche, you’re about to have one happy life bros.
Hi Christians,
Here is a trendy marketing campaign on a silver platter.
K thx,
This is a very important lesson for Christians. If you are afraid knowledge will destroy what you have, that you’ll become a victim of “incurable falsity,” what you have is fear, not faith. Faith is seeking information that may very well dismantle your beliefs, because you aren’t fearful about what you will find. If you think you have the Truth, you don’t have to be scared because you can’t lose the truth. The only thing you can lose is something you thought was the truth that wasn’t.
Does that come as a sigh of relief to anyone else? I’ve been struggling with spiritualy for over a decade and all my thinking, studying, praying and talking has done nothing but bring up more questions ad nauseum.
We don’t have to figure out it. We can try because it’s a fun journey but we aren’t expected to arrive at a final destination and then sit around until we die. Which is great news because that’s something that’s completely beyond our ability.