7 Dramatic Things That Every Former Drama Geek Understands


Drama geek. Theater Nerd. Music freak. Call me what you want but yes I was in the drama club, and I prefer to call it a family. During your four years of high school you have choices to join certain clubs that fit your personalities and desires. Sports fanatic? Join the football or soccer teams. Love debating? Join mock trials. Enjoy reading? Book club all the way.

For me I couldn’t find anything…and that’s where drama found me. When joining drama club there are a few rules you must remember and a few things you learn:

1. We do not judge

It does not matter which realm you come from. Whether you hail from the lands of lacrosse or the lands of mathematics, we will not judge you for who you are. No one asks who you were before you came to us but we are eager to see who you will become. Nothing is better for us then seeing someone who doubted themselves in the beginning become a full fledge actor, singer or stage manager in the end. Its such a rewarding feeling to see you grow so do not be afraid to walk into that auditorium. You’re more than welcome!

2. Breaking out into song or quoting lines will normally happen

It is a rare day when I could walk into drama club and not hear someone singing Wicked, Rent or Legally blonde and not have the urge to join in. It’s either a Broadway musical or Disney soundtrack but we all have our favorite songs to burst out into. Soon you’ll find yourself singing in tune with the rest of your friends to “Part of your world” from the Little Mermaid and not think twice about it. It’s awesome.

3. They will always have your back

Drama and Theatre kids will probably be one of the most loyal of friends. Once you make friends on stage its hard to ever leave them. You’ll share memoires that cannot be forgotten and win battles that will never be in vain. That time you helped with a wardrobe malfunction? We all remember it. When you fixed all the lighting because it accidentally got erased? You valiant hero you. We salute you because we all remember how important that day was. Every day. We have your back. On and off stage.

4. Coming up with crazy traditions

Chanting “Bakanaka”, sitting in silence hand in hand, hugging a stuffed banana or all wearing the color purple, whatever your crazy tradition is, we all have them. And we all get a small smile across our face when we remember it. What ever your school or productions tradition is you know it. And its yours and you could not be more prouder to do it. It brings luck, unity and a shared moment of “We are going to be kick ass” to the group. Traditions are the best. Don’t forget them.

5. Drama Festival

The most amazing experience you can have during high school will be going to drama festival. When competing in the METG High School Drama Festival it is like the holy grail of events. All within your area will come together and compete against one another with their plays and hope to move on the next round. Preliminary rounds, Semi-finals and then State Finals. Whenever you compete you get to watch amazing productions that you have respect for because you know the hard work that must have gone into it. You make friends and can experience the joy of waving your fingers in the air while they tell you the rules and then clap when they are done. Every moment is a moment of excitement even when you don’t know whats going on. When you hear you name be called to move on to the next round it is the most exhilarating feeling you can ever experience. And when you don’t, it just fuels the fire in your belly to do better next year.

6. You will learn so much about yourself

Walking into the theater you never know what you’ll find. Chances are you’ll find more about yourself then you ever thought. Maybe you found leadership or that you could paint a set masterfully. Maybe it was that you’re happier off stage then on. Or perhaps you discovered that putting the program together is your specialty. Whatever it is, you’ll find it. At the end of the ride you will have gained something new and not even noticed. Whether it’s a skill or a friend you will gain it.

7. You can never leave

Sorry. Not sorry. You can never leave the stage. Something will always call you back to it. Seeing it, hearing a musical, watching someone practice their lines, hearing the power tools while someone builds a set, seeing pictures of a cast party, hearing that your old high school won drama festival, seeing costumes, or seeing someone find the perfect music/sound effects…it will always remind you of the family you had.

And whenever you want to return, they’ll be there for you. Always.