8 Pivotal Jon Stewart Moments To Help Get You Through Life After ‘The Daily Show’
By Katie Mather
Left-wing or right-wing, you absolutely cannot deny the monumental cultural presence The Daily Show has held over the past 16 years. The Daily Show morphed into a prophetically genius source of political news and influence, to the point where Liberals trust it more than networks like MSNBC.
Jon Stewart’s legacy will undoubtedly be eulogized forever—his anchoring capabilities (which includes a lot of shouting, flailing, and unrestrained mockery) canonized a number of viral interviews and even influenced major political decisions.
Stewart has been referred to as the new aged Walter Cronkite for millennials, with The Daily Show shaping how we think about and read the news.
Luckily, this internet thing seems to be sticking around, so we’ll forever have access to the best of Jon Stewart—whether it be hilariously cringeworthy, poignantly depressing, or both.
1. When he reinvented himself as a legitimate hub of American politics by mocking “Indecision 2000.”
2. When he proved himself as more than just a “funny guy” through his touching 9/11 monologue.
3. When he and Stephen Colbert solidified their statuses as millennial icons by putting on the Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear.
4. When he called out CNN’s Crossfire for being an example of media not effectively covering news.
His criticisms of the show (made while he was on the show) were actually a big factor to why Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN at the time, ended up canceling Crossfire.
5. When he dedicated a whole episode to shaming senators who voted against the 9/11 First Responders Healthcare Bill…
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…which resulted in the bill moving forward in the Senate.
6. When he ripped into Fox News for promoting false narratives about the Ferguson protests.
7. When he gave one of the most legendary interviews ever, with Malala Yousafzai, and it essentially broke the internet.
8. When he conveyed his sentiments towards Fox News with the help of a gospel choir.
7. When he introduced two of today’s biggest comedians to the world: Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell.
8. When he unleashed scorn towards Jim Cramer over the financial media’s coverage of the 2009 economic collapse.
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We’ll miss you, Jon Stewart. Thank god there’s still John Oliver.