9 Reasons Girls With High-Quality BFFs Have A Harder Time Dating
They are used to getting out of a relationship exactly what they put in (or more)
There’s no power struggle in a best-friendship. Whatever your friend needs, you want to give it to her — and not so that you can have sex or go a night without fighting or be owed one in the future. That’s just the way your relationship works. You are THERE for each other out of love.
Your standards are sky high
At some point a man is going to break up the dream team, but you’re not going to do that for just anyone. The guy who makes this look appealing is going to have to be something special.
You’re used to having fun ALL the time
There’s something about a good BFF that can turn an afternoon running errands at Bed, Bath & Beyond the most fun you’ve had all month. When you’re together, you’re laughing and having the best time. This isn’t an easy standard for a man to live up to.
You’re protective of each other
Not just anybody is good enough for your BFF. Our dating culture isn’t very female-friendly at the moment and it’s easy to put up with a casual “almost-relationship” when you want more — or one of the millions of other iterations of letting a guy have what he wants without knowing what’s in it for you. A good best friend shuts that shit down immediately. Even if you won’t stand up for yourself, she will.
Men are intimidated by you
Nothing is more intimidating than a happy, confident woman who loves her life. That’s who we become when we have truly great friends — and it’s scary to guys because they know we won’t accept anything less than this going forward.
You forget that you’re not supposed to *want* to be single
You’re already accomplishing all your #relationshipgoals — just not with a romantic partner. But it’s hard to remember that this isn’t the way you want things to be when they’re already so good. You have a partner in a crime to accompany you to any event and try everything from paddleboarding to apple-picking with.
Coupling up makes you worried you’re going to get old + boring
You’re in the “fun” phase of life right now yolo-ing with your best girl. So anything that comes after this phase is necessarily going to seem lesser. In some ways it feels like when one of you starts seriously dating someone, it will feel like the party’s over.
You’re not on the prowl
Without your best friend you might have the time to be bored and go out of your way to meet men. However, as it stands the creeping has to take a backburner to living your actual life. There simply isn’t enough time to dedicate to looking for someone.
There’s no “hole” in your life to fill
You’re already happy. You’re already “complete.” So, while it’s harder to find a boyfriend because the impetus isn’t there, you know that when you do it will be healthy and real because you’re in it for all the right reasons.