20 Times When @ModernClueless Hilariously Brought Cher And The Gang Into 2014
So okay, I don’t want to be a traitor to my generation and all, but I don’t think we have a movie for the present day that embodies our time quite like Clueless does for the 90s (or at least, spoiled California kids in the 90s.) As time has gone on, and watching Clueless has become a beloved and still oft-watched classic, our movie watching rituals have evolved from wishing the lives of Cher Horowitz and her friends were our lives; we now like to notice all the ways the movie dates itself, and think about how different things are for teenagers now.
So I guess it was only a matter of time before someone took this idea and adapted it for the medium that’s most relevant to life in 2014: Twitter. (Full disclosure: That “someone” is me and my Thought Catalog work wife Ella Ceron.)
Murray: Woman, why don’t you be returnin’ any of my SnapChats?
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 10, 2014
Tai: Do you think she’s pretty? Cher: No, she’s a full-on Banksy.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 10, 2014
Okay, okay, so he is *kind* of a Hemsworth.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 10, 2014
Cher: Searching for a boy in high school is as useless as searching for meaning in a Tyler Perry movie.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 10, 2014
Murray: Woman, lend me a Bitcoin.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 10, 2014
I feel like such a heifer. I had two caramel frapps, 3 free-range eggs, a handful of wasabi peas, 5 cronuts and like 3 pieces of licorice.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 11, 2014
He does have more followers than I do. What would I bring to the relationship?
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 11, 2014
Dionne: Cher’s main thrill in life is Photoshop. It gives her a sense of control in a world full of chaos.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 12, 2014
It’s like that book I read in the 9th grade that said “You’re a wizard, Harry.”
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 12, 2014
Cher: Would you call me basic? Dionne: No, not to your face.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 14, 2014
Last but not least, the wonderful crew at Starbucks for spending hours making those pumpkin lattes, without which I might never be tardy.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 15, 2014
I don’t rely on mirrors, so I always take selfies.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 15, 2014
Dionne: Cher’s got attitude about online dating. Cher: It’s a personal decision every woman has got to make for herself.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 18, 2014
Murray: Oh, my God. They’re Pinning our weddings already.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 18, 2014
Tai: Right before you delete your OKCupid profile, your mind just sort of gets very clear. It’s a very intense, spiritual thing…
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 18, 2014
Boy, watching “The Notebook” makes you realize how important love is. After that, Dionne’s virginity went from technical to non-exisistant.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 19, 2014
Tai: I’m gonna go get a coconut water. You guys want?
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) January 21, 2014
Cher is saving herself for Leo DiCaprio.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) March 3, 2014
I don’t get it. Did my hair get flat? Did I choose the wrong Instagram filter? What’s wrong with me?
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) March 3, 2014
Angelina Jolie: Brad, my mission is clear. Would you look at that girl? We have got to adopt her.
— Present Day Clueless (@ModernClueless) March 10, 2014
We wanted to do something for humanity.