15 Videos That Will Have You Shouting “No” A Lot


1. Mortars


2. Tornados


3. Rocket Launch


4. Sink vs. Firecracker


5. Racing Accidents


6. Almost…nope


7. Drunk Driving


8. Train vs. Minivan

[protected-iframe id=”ada60adaa640fe16f38c89221bc32ac7-7369149-5398931″ info=”http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=687fa212e647″ width=”584″ height=”390″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””]

9. Train vs. Fire truck


10. Juggalos (Physics, how does it work?)


11. 4WD fail


12. Uh, what?

[protected-iframe id=”7401b9d9f7fb8bb54bd10d14fdb97e3d-7369149-5398931″ info=”http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=df75235f3e1b” width=”584″ height=”390″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””]

13. Boat vs. Bridge


14. No experience flying, but I’ve played Call of Duty before


15. Charger crash


We should just stay in today.

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image – LiveLeak