19 Times Winston Bishop Perfectly Understood Your Single Life Struggle


1. When your friend gets into a relationship, and you realize you’re the last single person left in your friend group:

2. When you’re out and spot a veryyy attractive person enter the room:

3. When you try to be romantic, but it just comes across as creepy:

4. When you start calling into question all of your past relationships:

5. When you get back from a horrible date, and decide that spinsterhood can’t be that bad:

6. When your spurts of empowerment accidentally turns into a mini meltdown:

7. When you’ve become a god damn expert at cooking for one:

8. When it’s been a while, and you start to get overly interested in your friends’ sex lives:

9. When you want to have a quiet night in with the bae:

10. When you go home for the holidays, and you’re the only single one there:

11. And then everyone wants to talk about your love life and nothing else:

12. When you change your life goals every other day because, What the Hell! You’re not attached to anyone, so why not??

13. When you’re watching a movie and then it gets all romantic and you’re just sitting there… alone…

14. When you’re nervous and your flirting goes in a direction you weren’t expecting:

15. When another high school classmate gets engaged, and you descend into the pit of pessimism:

16. When you get too excited about casually dating someone that you get a little too serious too quickly:

17. When your couple friends want to get brunch, but you had to spend your Friday night out meeting people:

18. When you’re tired of hearing about all the cute couple things your friends are busy doing, and your jealousy creeps out a bit:

19. When you’re totally cool going out and doing whatever, because this is your life and you don’t need another person to make you happy: