Playful Facebook Post About A Movie Theater’s Prices Leads To Man Being Banned And Massive Social Media Drama
By Jacob Geers
Like beer or hotdogs at a baseball game, everyone knows movie theater snacks are way overpriced.
And that was the angle Dave Justice was using to try to get some “likes” and “LOLs” when he made this post to Facebook.
And he did get some laughs!
But not everyone thought it was funny. Suddenly, the theater owner herself swoops into the Facebook discussion!
And in case someone thought that that couldn’t actually be the owner, or that she had to be joking, Dave got a (final) farewell present while leaving his Jurassic World showing:
He was now banned for life (??) from a movie theater for joking about candy prices on social media. Diana Barnette has since told local media (WOWKTV) that it wasn’t the comments about the snacks, but rather the derogatory comments about her theater and her staff that led to the ban.
Dave seemed pretty chill about the situation, but others had QUITE a few things to say.
And then came this interesting accusation:
As it turns out, a man sharing the owner Diana Barnette’s surname and county (Logan) was convicted for giving kickbacks and making a “materially false statement” in a federal matter.
Also “Ronald and Diana Barnette” were honored by the Logan County Chamber of Commerce with the “2013 Entrepreneur of the Year Award”
But circumstantial stuff aside, we couldn’t find any ironclad evidence that Ronald Barnette was married to Diana Barnette, or even that the “Ronald” cited here is the same Ronald involved in the FBI matter.
But anyways, a group is now mobilized to support Dave.
And the movie theater’s Facebook page can’t seem to find ANY reprieve from the matter, even when they announce this special for popcorn!!
Meanwhile, Dave was having a little fun.
But also giving some legitimate appreciation out to his supporters:
Maybe announcing some future plans??
And finally giving us closure on the BIG question.
The situation seems to be dying down now, but even after local news ran a story on the comments, Dave still seems banned for life. If we get any updates on this story, we will add them to the bottom!