Adults Still Get Scared, And Other Thoughts I’m Having At 2am
By A.A Dizon
1. You can be an adult and still feel confused and scared at the same time.
2. Drinking water is important especially when you wake up in the morning and before you eat every meal.
3. It’s okay to clean-up your pool of Facebook friends because numbers don’t matter.
4. You have to avoid talking to people when they are not in a receptive mood.
5. Exercise is the best form of distraction and becoming fit is just a bonus. It converts anger into strong punches.
6. The heart can only endure so much (but it never complains).
7. When it comes to genuine friendships, you only need a few.
8. You cannot just fall in love with anyone who gives you at least the bit of attention.
9. I cannot stand people who seem to value excitement and mystery over loyalty and dedication.
10. In this age, trees are more important than people.
11. We are not scared to fail; we are scared that others may see us fail.
12. Don’t expect me to respect you if you don’t respect your parents.
13. Douchebag = A liar and a coward.
14. You cannot always be forgiving but you can always choose to be kind.
15. You have to be street smart.
16. You have to learn how to be demanding especially when you have the right to.
17. Say thank you all the time.
18. People can only hurt you if you give them your consent. You are responsible for your own feelings.
19. Be professional at all times. Don’t be late. Be discreet. Avoid getting into silly arguments. Admit your mistakes.
20. See the good in people. And forgive, even if they don’t deserve it.