A Love Letter To The Future Love Of My Life
By Jaceb Harris
To My Next One, The One
This has been a long time waiting. I’ve had quite a bit of heartbreak and pain, mostly self-inflicted wounds on my way to you. I’m on pace to have the emotional endurance of Ted Mosby from How I met your Mother but it’s all been worth it. While most guys can’t stop thinking about who they’re going to sleep with next I can’t stop thinking about falling in love with you.
I’ve had to be patient on my road to you and that might be due in part to emotional setbacks I’ve had along the way. However, I smile at the thought of you having a beautiful voice, yet singing so bad in the car it makes our children giggle. I dream of moments where I can give you piggy-back rides on the beach. I dream of moments spent inside binge watching a TV show, I dream of shopping with you and being more than happy to go in the store while you try clothes on. I dream of summer days exploring and winter days snuggled up by the fire (although maybe still exploring).
I don’t know if we’ve met yet, or if you’re going to be coming in my life soon, but I know I already love you so much and wish we could have spent this time together.
I am so excited to go with you when you get your nails done and spend time with you enjoying the little things. If this journey has taught me anything, it’s to appreciate you and appreciate the little things. I long for the days to bring you flowers home for no reason other than to give you a reminder of my love. I long for the days where I get to see your beautiful smile and how it lights up my world. I long for the days to get lost in your eyes. I realize this might seem like a lot of pressure to anyone who is not you, but for you it won’t be.
On my way to you I used to think we’d be two halves making a whole, but now I know that you can’t complete me and I won’t need you to. Nor will you need me to complete you, and maybe that’s what’s taking us so long to find each other. We won’t be two halves making a whole looking for completion. We’ll be two wholes coming together as one rooted in Christ and I yearn to show you love the way Christ loves the church. I want to be a God-fearing, wife-honoring man. That’s where I’m headed and I am now able to happily and patiently wait and be content with myself and life in the meantime. I don’t want to be anything less than prepared to love you the way He wants you and created you to be loved and I am unable to do that without being content with my own life.
I hope you like good morning texts, random love notes, and forehead kisses because I will be full of them. Not a day will go by where I don’t tell you how beautiful you are, whether it’s you waking up with morning breath and no make-up on, or after you have showered, brushed your teeth, and gotten ready for the day. As we wait to be united I am doing my best to find and discover myself in the meantime and I’m finally having a blast doing just that. I’m finding pleasure in all the aspects that life has to offer, I love being able to put a spark of happiness in people and start a fire of joy. So many amazing moments await us and I know we’ll both be ready when the time comes. I used to think I would have a relationship like Pam and Jim, but I’m beginning to realize we’ll be more like Michael and Holly. It could very well take more time than we liked, but it will also be more than worth all of the waiting, the crying (maybe me more than you), and the heartbreak lessons along the way.
Because as I said earlier we won’t complete each other, but we will complement each other, whether strengths or weaknesses we will be ready.
We’ll be ready for what life throws our direction and we’ll find our strength and our peace in Him.
So, I say here’s to silly arguments and hot dates, here’s to every mountain we will climb and every sport we will watch, here’s to the good days and the bad days, here’s to grocery store dates when we get a babysitter, here’s to exploring the world with you and loving you as hard as I can, here’s to growing old with you and never letting go.
Happily and patiently awaiting your arrival: you’re beautiful and I love you.