Here’s To The Ones Who Dare To Dream Big
I want to take this moment to give credit where credit is due. We live in a cautious world, where more often than not people are afraid of taking risks and making their dreams into a reality. Whether it be traveling the world, moving across the country, going back to school, starting that business, running for office, or writing that book, the fact that you dared to do something big deserves this symbol of appreciation.
Perhaps you are wondering if you did the right thing. If you are feeling exhausted or hopeless and unsure of whether or not taking that chance was worth it, I want you to remember that your courage and willingness to at least try makes you extraordinary already. The people in our lives, even with the best of intentions, have a way of perpetuating their fears onto us.
Perhaps they didn’t have larger than life ambitions, and so it’s hard for them to understand how you see the world.
Those who dream big see the world as it is, but also how it can be.
They believe in opportunities and being able to make a positive difference. For not adhering to the fears and doubts of others, congratulations.
Our world is shaped by those who accomplished what only seemed like the impossible, and for many, they found their journeys and motivations transform along the way. If your dreams change, that is okay too, because it’s never a waste of time to be in the pursuit of our joy and what we truly want. Do not feel regretful but feel proud that you attempted what others only talk about. Yes, congratulations to you too!
When we look back on our lives, we will inevitably be filled with certain regrets, but the deepest and most painful ones are of the things we chose not to do out of fear. If you are reading this and are thinking of pursuing something big and exciting, please, go for it!
Life is too short and time is precious. Live your life so that you look back thinking of all you did instead of all you wished you had done.
To those who are about to embark on a new adventure, may you always remember just how brave you are, and congratulations.