Be Your Own Catalyst To Change
By Skyla Child
The world can change with such ease. Seasons change every three months, a star is born every .0002 seconds, and the world turns constantly. If only people went through change the same way as the Earth, with such peacefulness, would it make change easy.
It’s so much easier to remain comfortable and have the same routine. It’s easy to give advice to others that you can’t take for yourself. It is harder to take a deep look at yourself and your soul than it is to remain oblivious about your true desires.
Change stems from bringing what you feel deep in your core to the surface so it can finally breathe.
Change is leaving a part of us behind. It is leaving a section of your cherished life behind you and moving on to a new chapter. Jumping to a new chapter isn’t easy, it takes wisdom, strength and most importantly, courage.
Why is it that it’s easier to have the courage to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, than it is to leave a part of yourself in the past to better yourself. Being brave is one thing, but having the courage to facilitate change is a whole different story.
Fear is not a catalyst for change in most cases. Being afraid holds us back, and prevents us from moving forward. You have to be your own catalyst, and realize that you deserve more. You are your own worst enemy – defeat it. Everyone is afraid of something, and a vast majority of people are afraid of change. You’ll realize deep down a change needs to be made, but to remain comfortable right where you are is easier.
Pick the harder choice, the end result is usually better for you. Make the choice that may not be so simple. Change something that you’re afraid of leaving behind you. Realize that it’s for the better, and let it go. Change that something that you feel “is almost a good thing”. You deserve a good thing, not something that almost was. ‘Almost’ is a word we use to convince ourselves that it will get better someday.
Tell yourself that almost isn’t an option anymore, as much as it hurts to leave that piece of yourself behind. As hard as it is to walk away from the past and turn the page on that chapter, make the choice you wish you had the courage to do. You are worth more than almost – believe it.
Change can be earth-shattering and bring your whole world as you know it to a crumble. But sometimes, those changes are exactly what we need, and teach us the largest life lessons.
Sometimes you have to look around, take a deep breath and really ask yourself if you would rather make a change now, or hurt later because you’re still asking yourself “what could have been?”