Sitting On The Dock With Tom
Tom is a friend I haven’t seen in 8 years which is terrible because I am too young to not have seen someone in 8 years.
He came to Minneapolis and we went to see a guy play music outside with Shayla and Paul and then we all went to a brewery and had beers and then we went to the rooftop of Cowboy Jack’s downtown where the guys were uncomfortable because it is club-y. The next day we went to a bar to watch the world cup final and Shayla had to leave and we weren’t meeting up with Paul for an hour and a half so we decided to walk to the lake.
We arrived and went to the dock and wordlessly took our shoes off and put our feet in the water and laid down. We laughed a lot about all the people who were crowded on this particular sail boat but we didn’t have that much to talk about so we just closed our eyes and enjoyed feeling and hearing the waves.
“This is nice, to just be quiet.” Tom said.
It is nice to be around people you love and you don’t have to fill the silence, and people who are like you, who know to put their feet in the water and not be precious about it. It is nice to spend the weekend with people you love and who love you and to all feel so simply about each other. Nothing complicated, just a kind of childlike affection for people who you were close enough with that years can pass and feel like minutes.