8 Types Of ‘Missed Connections’ On Craigslist That Connect Us With The Strangers We Fantasize But Never Get To Meet


The ‘Missed Connections’ section of personal ads on the free listing site Craigslist introduces the digital bystander to a myriad of personalities and intimate encounters
. It is an online forum for those who are lusting, lonely, and/or curious about others. Missed Connections provides a space for individuals to post ads seeking strangers they previously encountered in real life. Their hope is to continue a visceral connection they perceived as real.

My interest is in the fluidity of the real and the composition of a woman through written text. The self-portraits question the subtleties of attraction and our ability to augment the individual through fantasies, memories, and personal aesthetics. Each portrait created was an attempt to understand how a community of individuals frame, and potentially disguise, their object of desire.

I helped you take your jacket out of the train door

Bartender at the DL

Girl at the coffee shop on 14th St. last evening

Enigmatic redhead with tatts and the tiniest dog

Tall, short hair, skirt

Blonde, white top, shorts, ponytail, stretching at Locust St entrance

The Bean 1st Ave

Saw you at Woody’s