What It Means To Date A Woman Who Doesn’t Take Herself Too Seriously


When you date a woman who doesn’t take herself too seriously, you’re in a relationship that’s full of laughter. She wants to have fun, wants to be a goofball and cackle together like wine drunk hyenas. Sometimes she’s a little much or a little loud. But she isn’t worried about what people think; she doesn’t get caught up in public perceptions. She rolls with the punches. She’s down to make fun of herself along the way.

See, there’s no time for stressing.

When you date a woman who doesn’t take herself too seriously, it means she understands the importance in celebrating life.

That means she’s mastered the art of letting the water roll off her back. It means not sweating the small stuff because we don’t get any guarantees on how long we’ll be here on earth. Life is short. She gets that. In fact, she’s probably experienced some things you wouldn’t think at first glance. Don’t confuse her go-with-the-flow attitude to mean she doesn’t know what pain is. Don’t assume she’s never experienced the devastating sting of loss or hardship. She gets it. That’s why she refuses to waste her time taking herself, and life, too seriously.

When you date a woman who doesn’t take herself too seriously, she knows how to manage the hard times.

She approaches things with a sense of humor. That’s how you survive, you know? By finding the comedy in tragedy. By finding the absurdity in the mundane. She’ll be your partner in this. She’ll guide you even on the most difficult of days.

When you date a woman who doesn’t take herself too seriously, you’ll learn how to do the same. And you will be better for it.

Life is already too serious to take it so seriously.