This Is What It Means To Be A Strong Woman, Because It’s Not Just About Being Confident
By Lauren Suval
You are a strong woman when you feel alive.
You are a strong woman when that renders sadness, anxiety, vulnerability, frustration, anger, or sensitivity.
You are a strong woman when you are fragile in the moment.
You are a strong woman when you cry.
You are a strong woman when you acknowledge your truth.
You are a strong woman when you are real.
You are a strong woman when you ask for help.
You are a strong woman when you don’t back down on what you believe in.
You are a strong woman when you question what you believe in, when you make changes along the way.
You are a strong woman when you voice your particular opinion, even when it’s not the most popular viewpoint.
You are a strong woman when you decide to walk away from relationships that are no longer emotionally healthy.
You are a strong woman when you allow yourself to flow with life’s shifts and turns, even when they are bittersweet.
You are a strong woman when you are flawed.
You are a strong woman when you make mistakes.
You are a strong woman when you are not as kind as you needed to be, to others, to yourself.
You are a strong woman when you want to be better.
You are a strong woman when you are sick and need to stay and bed.
You are a strong woman when you need to put aside certain plans in order to take care of your health.
You are a strong woman when you realize that in order to give to others, you need to first give to yourself.
You are a strong woman when you endure pain, when you go through life’s obstacles.
You are a strong woman when you come out on the other side.