Netflix Released A ‘Stranger Things 2’ Trailer And It. Looks. Insane.
Stranger Things fans, rejoice — Netflix has graced us with a new trailer, and it’s much more detailed than the other material they’ve been giving us lately. If you’ve had any questions about certain characters (*cough* Eleven *cough*), you might finally get some answers.
The trailer starts out innocent enough as the boys all head to an arcade, but it takes a dark turn fast when Will is seemingly pulled into the Upside Down again, though only for a few seconds. From there, things just seem to keep going downhill as he finds himself in the parallel universe again and again, this time greeted by monsters we haven’t seen before.
But those aren’t the only exciting developments the trailer gives us: from the looks of it, Hopper is back to trying to solve the mystery of the Upside Down, Nancy and Jonathan team up again (which, thank god, they were great), and Eleven is officially back, though it looks like this time she’s the one stuck in the Upside Down. Altogether, it looks like Netflix is ready to deliver exactly what we’ve been waiting for.
Halloween can’t come fast enough.