I’m Not Lacking Because I Don’t Have Someone I Love
By Thoughtis
Relationships. Having a partner. Settling down. For as long as I can remember, that’s all I’ve ever heard. From family, to friends, to acquaintances, it’s always the same, it’s all they ever ask. I guess at 25, that’s what people expect of you.
And I am getting tired of all these questions. Is that all you can think when we talk? Is that all that you can see when you look at me? Does my face screams ‘I need someone, I’m incomplete.’?
“Do you like someone?” you asked. “You should go out, meet people.” you proposed. “We’ll find someone for you.’ you pushed. As if looking for someone should be my top priority. As if being by myself is not enough. As if doing what I want to do and working on my dreams is insignificant.
Surely, if I’m being honest, there are times when I wonder if I will ever have that someone by my side, too. Because let’s face it, who doesn’t want to feel love? Who doesn’t want to be loved? No one.
But every time I make an effort for myself, you think it’s for someone else. You think that that’s what I want right now, that that’s what I need, but telling me all these only result in making me feel worse about myself. I know I’m not lacking, but you make me feel that I am.
Don’t look at me like there’s something wrong with me. I’m not incomplete. I’m not broken. And I am done letting you define me for one thing only.
And when that time comes when I would finally meet that someone, I would make sure that the choice to be with him is because I wanted to and not because somebody forced me to. Because the Me right now is enough. I am enough.